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fairy tinkle

When a woman is sitting on the tiolet going to the bathroom and trying to be quiet but can still be heard.

al you could hear from the the bathroom was the quiet sound of the fairy tinkle

by kranka June 20, 2006

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tommy tinkle

a childish term for a pish/streamy.

awww no! hurry up in there, i'm pure burstin for a tommy tinkle!

by honeybunch lovelypumpkin November 7, 2007

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Tinkle Dunk

When a man accidentally touches the tip of his penis against the toilet water when sitting down to produce fecal matter and / or urine.

Man, this water is pretty high, I hope I dont Tinkle Dunk my wiener in the toilet water while I'm pooping.

by CKRR April 11, 2011

Tinkle Train

Where In a public setting such as restaurant or bar, multiple women at a table(s), usually friends or acquaintances, will get up to use the restroom at the same time, forming a single file line through the restaurant/bar to the ladies room. Men have no problem going to the restroom by themselves, but women like to go in groups.

Shortly before the dinner show began, all the women at our table decided to go to the ladies room and formed a tinkle train through the club.

by jwick4896 February 15, 2014

gang tinkle

when women need a partner to go to the bathroom with them.

oh look, the women just left for a gang tinkle

by Squishy Panda May 28, 2010

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stinkle tinkle

Liquid, runny, acidic diarrhea. Usually burning hot lava that singes your asshole on the way out.

"I just pissed out my ass, a.k.a. a total stinkle tinkle."

by Butt Nugs March 26, 2006

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Tinkle Fish

A tinkle fish is a person who sucks the farts out of dead seagulls for cups of bubble tea.

Julie: "Gosh Angel is SUCH a Tinkle Fish!"
Steff: "I know, that's the fifth seagull today!"

by Jenny . August 27, 2008

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