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A demonically possessed corpse, contrary to popular culture. They can appear in any way, not just a tall Romanian gentleman. They are super humanly strong and smarter than most, along with overall enhanced abilities. They can be countered with religious icons, roses, holy water, silver, garlic and other such objects.

Twilight is a lie. Vampire's aren't anything like that.

by L. Marshall June 12, 2009

33๐Ÿ‘ 18๐Ÿ‘Ž


You know what they are. Drinkers of blood. Human blood. Not animal blood, and then say your 'vegetarian'. Nope, real vampires are allergic to sunlight, and if they do come into contact with it, they do not sparkle...ever. Thus, Edward Cullen is not a vampire, if anything hes the pussy vampire who gets beaten up by all the other vampires for being different.

1: Dude I read this book about vampires..

2:Don't say it. Twilight is not a book about vampires.

1: Nevermind then..

by ALPHABET SOOP May 26, 2009

148๐Ÿ‘ 97๐Ÿ‘Ž


NOT EDWARD...more like Dracula, Louie, or Lestat.
They don't sparkle, and the usually dont fall in love with ugly homey looking teenagers.

They are protayed in movies to drink blood, kill, nocturnal creatures, and very old.

REAL EXAMPLE FROM MY SOPHOMORE ENGLISH CLASS:dumb blonde "Dracula,vampire? Oh you mean like twilight"

meh "you dumb cunt, Dracula could destroy bella edward and those dumb werewolves with his pinky in less time then you could say 'twilight sucks', but if you're really that deprived of the world or a brain then yes like twilight."

by Lilith Rose April 30, 2009

87๐Ÿ‘ 55๐Ÿ‘Ž


A blood-sucking mythical creature who is NOT a sparkling douchebag in a fucking tree. Vampires are way more badass than that and shouldn't appeal to prepubescent girls who think they're so scene for liking it.

Aww man, that Twilight shit. That's not a vampire. That's what we call a homosexual.

by KKNWNDRLND December 29, 2010

45๐Ÿ‘ 27๐Ÿ‘Ž


1. A sanguivore is the kind of vampire with the need for blood. These guys are the real kind, but are mortal, have a reflextion, and are only SENSITIVE to light. They can go out in the sun and eat garlic and touch roses so get that fairytale crap out of your head. They need blood, though. They don't neccesarily LOOK like a vamp or have the folklore vampire lifestyle. AKA a sang vamp.

2. A psy vamp feeds off of energy rather than blood. Sometimes a sang vamp is short on food and resorts to psy techniques. AKA an energy vampire.

3. A vampyre looks like one a vamire, but doesn't neccesairly need blood. A vampyre is "into" the whole vamp thing and can be considered to have a vampire fetish, but doesn't need blood and might not even be into that area.

4. Awakening is when a true vamp goes through a "puberty" of sorts and realizes what they are.

5. Turning is when a normal person becomes a vamp through a scarcely known techinque.

6. Blood Fetishists don't need blood and AREN'T vampires, they just LIKE it, whether it be sexual or just for kicks and giggles.

Vampires aren't modern-day Draculas, they are much more complicated.

by everyrose October 30, 2005

715๐Ÿ‘ 536๐Ÿ‘Ž


A crazed fangirl who believes that she is, in fact, one of Stephanie Meyer's vampire characters in the most plot-lacking book published in 2006, Twishite. Will often pretend that she has Insomnia and make herself look pale with the use of make-up. Likes to believe that she lives in depression due to issues that have come up in her life. Will do anything to defend Twilight.

Non-fan: Twilight sucks.

Nf: It has no plot.
Fg: Your face has no plot.
Nf: Vampires suck.
Fg: *sets other crazed fangirls on Nf*

No exp. needed.

by Geekseason2 August 30, 2009

41๐Ÿ‘ 26๐Ÿ‘Ž


the act of turning someone into a vampire typically used in the high quality literature known as twilight. Many young tweens wish that vampires could do this to them.


by lizkat4141 January 4, 2011

5๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž