The act of taking such a horrible shit that it scars you for years and possibly even for life. Not uncommon to experience this after enduring Toilet Sodomy (See Toilet Sodomy).
Mike: Bro I have been experiencing some awful POO-TSD lately. The dump I took last week felt like I shit out my large intestine.
Stoney: Bro you’re disgusting...
Severe paranoia that extremely consumes and transforms a person’s perspectives and way of life in the anticipation of a specific traumatic event that is yet to happen.
Pre-TSD is when a person is so mentally sure that doomsday is coming that they live in a mode of preparation and abandon their normal lifestyles in fear of the day it comes. This personal recognizes what appears to be symobolic synchronizations as factual patterns that act as triggers towards their stress disorder.
Also known as paranoia
Negative thoughts and/or feelings that occur prior to a negative experience.
"I get Pre-TSD when I find out my brother-in-law is coming over"