A book series written by Stephenie Meyer that's captured that heart of gazillions of teenaged girls around the world. It's centered around the romance between Isabella Swan (Bella), the awkward new girl in school, and Edward Cullen, a gorgeous vampire she meets. Although the book is pretty addicting, it has to be the worse book i've ever read in terms of originality, clichés, plot, and writing.
Cliché #1:
The new girl in school who is awkward and clumsy and terrible at everything. How many times have we seen and read this?
Cliché #2:
The new girl falling in love with the hottest guy in school (Edward). No one saw that coming.
Cliché #3:
Despite the new girl's awkwardness and plain looks, the hottest guy in school falls in love with her. The epitome of originality, am I right? *sarcasm*
Cliché #4:
The new girl is hopelessly in love with the hottest guy in school to the point where you want to slap her because she'll do literally everything and anything the hottest guy in school will tell her to do just for him.
Cliché #5:
The vampire (who is the hottest guy in school), despite his love for the new girl, thirsts for her blood and struggles to control his bloodlust. Wow.
Cliché #6:
The vampire is a good vampire who doesn't want to hurt humans, so he feeds off of animals instead. *cough* Louis from Interview with the Vampire *cough*
Cliché #7:
The vampire thinks he's a monster and that the new girl should stay away from him if she values her life, but of course the new girl risks her life to be with him.
Cliché #8:
The new girl would rather die than not be with the vampire, which is the stupidest thing anyone on this Earth can ever say. Yes, I understand she's madly and hopelessly and stupidly in love with him, but you only get one life. She isn't even considerate of the family members she would leave behind who would mourn her death.
There is no plot to the story. It's just a bunch of events that happens between Bella and Edward.
The writing in the beginning is so plain, and even though it does get better, it's still not good.
There's no figuritive language and not much description. The only thing the author seems to describe is Edward's appearence. Every other freaking sentence is talking about this muscular arms or smile or face or eyes or hair. It's like she created this book to produce a bazillion teenaged fangirls who are obsessed with Edward and don't care about the rest of the story. There really is nothing original about this book. Nothing that the author has come up with on her own.
It's pretty much your cliche vampire romance novel.
Despite all this, I still love it because it's addicting, but terrible.
"OMG! Twiligh is the best book in the world! I absolutly heart Edward! He's totally mine!"
"No! He's mine! I read the book first! So he's mine first!"
"We'll split him in half and share him!"
"Wow....if you think Twilight is the best book in the world...then, seriously, no comment."
14171👍 3869👎
when someone gives you a red apple, then the said person makes you cup the apple. (referencing the cover of the book twilight)
I gave Mr. Witham a red apple and told him to cup it in his hands, then in a great uphoria i told him he just got "twilighted".
25👍 3👎
A book that make's me want to kill myself.
"Hey, Alice! Do you want to read my Twilight book?!?!?!?!?!?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!???????????????????????????!!!!!!!!!!!????????????"
-shoots myself.-
14👍 1👎
The story where a mentally handicapped girl must choose between bestiality or necrophilia.
What Twilight is really about.
14👍 1👎
The most overrated movie in the history of film.
A cool person: Stfu desperate girl.
61👍 11👎
"Absolute trash, so obviously a worldwide hit."
"That book is a cringe-worthy testament to teenage hormonal fabrication."
-- quotes from Artemis Fowl: The Lost Colony (the fifth book in a series truly worthy of reading) that perfectly defines Twilight.
Chocolate is to delectable as Twilight is to rubbish.
406👍 102👎
A horribly overrated book and movie series, beloved by teenyboppers, tweens and teenage girls, but hated by people who knows what a real vampire is. Vampires are not supposed to be cuddly teen idols, they are supposed to be terrifying bloodthirsty monsters.
Stephanie Meyer, Robert Pattinson, and Twilight all suck.
80👍 16👎