'T'ext of 'W'hat 'I'm T'hinking 'T'o 'E'veryone 'R'eading.
Online social social networking site. its what everyone over who is over 35 and trying to seem hip thinks that everyone under 25 is using. but they actually aren't.
i already have a facebook status, why would i need a twitter?
im too young to have a twitter.
3052👍 1134👎
Its for Writing pointless shit (Sometimes even about you shitting) and put #followedbyasentencewithnospacesforsomeunknownfuckingpointlessreasonthatjustinfuriates.
Twitter User: Just sitting on the loo. #Sinkslikealog
37👍 8👎
A buzzing excitement that rises around anyone going viral, self-perpetuating itself until overexposure.
Getting a little too hyped up about something.
I graduated from college. I'm so twittered right now.
The Cash Me Outside girl is getting twittered about too much. She'll be an unknown again by next month.
A really bad micro-blogging service made to give people with no life the illusion that people care that "They had a bannana for breakfast" or something...
Stan: Do you have twitter?
Lee: No. It sucks.
25👍 5👎
a social media app where everybody is so damn dramatic and cancels everything, even over the smallest shit.
OMG, Kaykay is sharing a picture of her spitting her $20 sushi out! Lemme tell all the Twitter users to ban her for being so ungreatful!!!
13👍 1👎
A form of chatline for social media "experts" to add thousands of random strangers and wank off to impress other social media "experts" by posting links to articles about the phenomenon of social media
Dave went on Twitter hoping to find interesting people and read amusing things but instead was deluged by nine thousand social media "experts" who bored the living shit out of him until his iPhone exploded/his brain imploded.
1813👍 768👎
A social networking site that's perfect for stalking people with ease.
Ever since I made a Twitter account, that creepy, middle aged
man seems to be everywhere I go.
369👍 145👎