An excuse to pull yourself from saying the S-word.
When someone pulls off a deathly trick on an individual using methods used by the Art of War, Sun Tzu. These tricks often involve the use of weapons and explosives.
"That asshole Sun Tzu'd me and fucked me up badly, I was in the hospital for days!"
a Brooklyn native who adopted the moniker Sin Tzu from the Chinese military general Sun Tzu. He is too believe that he can write the art of war in hiphop form since he has 20 years of creating rap music. He is part of the hiphop collective S.O.L. which he also has been creating rap music for over 20 years
Did you hear Sin Tzu new record?
To walk the Shih Tzu (commonly pronounced Shit Zu) is a slang term, used to denote the act of human defecation. Shih Zu being a breed of dog, originating in Asia, having to walk the shit zu does not refer, in this context, to providing one's pet dog with exercise, but in fact the impending urge of a human to defecate.
'Hey Joe, wanna go to the bar for a few beers?'
'Maybe later Ray, I gotta go walk the shih tzu dog'.
'I had a bad takeaway curry on Saturday and I spent the whole night walking the shih Tzu.