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upside down turban

Wrapping your testicles in a cloth (usually cold and wet) to provide comfort on hot days.

Mike was sweating buckets at his desk and thus proceeded to put on an upside down turban.

by Steve Saner May 16, 2006

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upside down doggy

In the sexual act of doggy style and you flip her over so you get to see full frontal nudity

yo i was just in bed and i got a girl into upside down doggy

by lord requis January 15, 2020

Upside-Down Fart

this describes when your sexual partner does a handstand, then you place your head in between their cheeks and they fart (only use for top tier sexual pleasure)

"c'mon babes please lemme upside-down fart"
"okay but you better let me do it too"

by Gary's Tennis Coaching March 25, 2019

Upside down thick

When a girl is all tits and no ass

"Hey Billie, I've been hitting up Emma a lot lately. You think she's hot?"
"She's upside down thick. Personally I'm a thigh guy but yeah I guess she is."

by Intelligible Lizard June 26, 2018

Upside down salsa

The female is placed or tied upside down on a ladder or step stool, the male then takes a bottle of hot sauce and inserts it inside of her vagina causing an intense burning sensation as it slowly drips in. The male then punches her multiple times in the ovaries in order to produce a large amount of blood, urine, and infertile eggs to be released mixing with the hot sauce creating an ultimate salsa mixture. The male then either puts his face into the upside down vagina and sucks and slurps out the juices, feeds it to her, or saves it for later to put it on mexican cuisine.

A variation of the Upside down cheesecake, modified with a little extra spice.

Man1: Bruh, I'm facing charges for doing an upside down salsa on this girl.

Man2: Hey, can you stab two nails through my testicles real quick?
Man1: ... No...?

by largescaleterroristattack69420 May 4, 2023

Upside-Down Nancy

more discreet way of saying "to sixty-nine."
*can be used as both a noun and verb.

*At Chuck E. Cheese's at her nephew's 6th birthday party*

Liz: So how was Raj's visit last night? Did you guys go all the way?
Stacey: Nah, I didn't wanna go that far so we just did an Upside-Down Nancy and called it a night. I had a lot of fun though!
Nephew: *cough* prude *cough*

by toomuchspice July 28, 2011

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upside down text

A stupid way that attention-whores get people to notice their Facebook status. ห™looษ” os ษฏฤฑ ห™วษฏ ส‡ษ สžool

Jonny wanted people to notice him on Facebook. So he googled "Upside Down Text" and flipped his Facebook status upside down. Now everyone thinks he's stupid for being such an attention-whore.

by UpsideDownText.com November 8, 2010

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