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Mentally Unstable

A group or "crew" (mostly of korean ethnicity) that participates in br8d4nc1ng.

Is that Mentally Unstable? that shit kray.

by Mr.Barnibus Stinson January 23, 2012

28๐Ÿ‘ 67๐Ÿ‘Ž

mental unstableness

When you commit not alot of braincells so you not know lots

You has mental unstableness.

by RobloxGam0r October 10, 2019

4๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž


the American voter. listens to so much media that they are mentally-unstable and have no clue what's really going on.

he is media-unstable he is from the usa.

by Fix America First January 22, 2014

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Unstable Character Design

When a specific character from an animated series or TV show can have obvious but not permanent changes to their look such as: hair style or color, clothing, glasses or other accessories.

Princess Bubblegum from Adventure Time has an Unstable character design.

by Maxamagican June 6, 2020

mentally unstable teen who is mentally stable because of how unstable they are

mentally unstable teen who is mentally stable because of how unstable they arementally unstable teen who is mentally stable because of how unstable they arementally unstable teen who is mentally stable because of how unstable they are

im thriving bc im mentally unstable teen who is mentally stable because of how unstable they are

by wsretfgcvhbjk August 27, 2021

3๐Ÿ‘ 11๐Ÿ‘Ž

mentally unstable camels jumping over the autistic sheep got ran over by a dead turtle doing 190 on the highway

jesus loves me

gosh im so glad mentally unstable camels jumping over the autistic sheep got ran over by a dead turtle doing 190 on the highway

by fortnite hot November 16, 2022

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Unstable genius

The mf that said people should make lean with Mug Root Beer instead of Sprite

Unstable genius: People should make lean with Mug instead of Sprite

by Eggman 2 November 1, 2022