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Urban Dictionary Editor

God in the Urban Dictionary Editor who can *kindly* agree any new definitions

Urban Dictionary Editor was agreeing my definition!

by Urban Dictionary Editor (Real) December 28, 2022

Urban Dictionary Editors

The Editors of the Urban Dictionary Website. They shift through allot of proposed words, most of which are racist, sexist,sexually demeaning, disgusting, personal agenda's, pathetic, stupid, and just flat out retarded words, just to select a few good words.

like any other free editor service, there are editors who allow the sick twisted, nonsense words that populate the pages of the website, but this can also be blamed at the vagueness and low amount of specific rules, common sense, good judgement, and overall stupidity of those people who try to post their words.

Person 1: dude, this is bullshit. my banging word never went onto the website, those damn Urban Dictionary Editors, and to think that a word like Duse would get posted.

Person 2: Give them a break bro, just imagine all the shit they gotta put up with.

by Tony015 November 22, 2009

21๐Ÿ‘ 9๐Ÿ‘Ž

urban dictionary editor

people who reject something when it offends them. they are all doushes. this makes no point because it is going to be rejected! fuck you for rejecting this. i cannot believe how much you get hurt. fuckin asshole

*In the chance this actually goes in, UD editors are kind in nice people who will work for UD, even if it offends them*

urban dictionary editors are assholes

urban dictionary editors are kind and nice people

by KingOfEmAll April 16, 2008

55๐Ÿ‘ 31๐Ÿ‘Ž

urban dictionary editors

a group of lifeless fags who thinks they're cool

YOU ARE ALL TWATS =========> suck my dick

dude 1 : im urban dictionary editors
dude 2 : you are a TWAT

by fuckyouUDE October 17, 2010

14๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž

Urban Dictionary editors

Nerds who spend all their time on Urbandictionary.com.
They only choose definitions that favor geeks. Facist pigfuckers.

Urban Dictionary editors are mostly Japs.

by L-o-l-a February 20, 2006

25๐Ÿ‘ 14๐Ÿ‘Ž

Urban Dictionary Editor

This is a group of people with different personalities who volunteer their time to keep Urban Dictionary relevant. They receive no pay for this service. Some are just killing time, some have an agenda, BUT for the most part they are folks that just want UD to be free of the things that are not allowed. By volunteering their services they are helping this site to remain FREE OF CHARGE to all who use it.

Because there are so many different people editing UD it can lead to new posts being rejected for what appears to be no good reason. Some people let everything pass through, some follow the rules exactly, and then there are some who might go beyond the rules and reject almost every new post.


Person 1." Dude!" " That great post I just made got deleted by a Urban Dictionary Editor !" Man I am pissed!!" " Just for that I'm gonna go click on the edit link and reject every new post that comes to me!" "If mine ain't good enough nobody else's is either."
Person 2. "Dude, that's childish."

Person 2. In baby talk " Baby mad because momma took um pacifier away, poor baby."
Person 1 "Oh alright, knock it off dude." " I'm still gonna go there and reject any post that don't meet the rules!"
Person 2 "Whatever"

by OneWhoKnowsBetter December 20, 2012

9๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

Urban Dictionary Editors

A bunch of assholes who don't accept definitions unless they're crude, crudely funny, or really fucking boring.

Urban Dictionary Editors are a bunch of idiot 13 year old boys. Y'all bore me.

by OSgirl15 January 2, 2014