A game function in the games Fallout 3, Fallout 4, and Fallout New Vegas. This lets the user target a specific part of a target's body to shoot.
Tired of always having to take time to aim and always end up missing? Introducing VATS!
vats is a person who is the biggest baddest stud on this planet with non spikey hair and a big dong. He will ding dong all night and girls are crazy for him. He is a person you dont wanna mess with. he is capable of gaand maaring
Oh My God!! that is a vats
Turkish version of Wat
self explanatory
since Turkish people are known to not have a W in there alphabet they replace it with a V instead
Joel: Vat? Who tf is that?
Josh: no idea
It means 'crazy' or 'psychopathic'. It's when a person who seems sane on the outside is actually hiding her inner self who is actually bat shit loco.
That girl is vats I swear to God, she wants a AK47 for her 23rd Birthday.
Man you've got to be vats to think I'm going to jump without a parachute.
A place that provides you best Hostel/ PG or Libraries, where you not only maky your future but also meet your lifelong friends.
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