A very positive influence, a great guy, also an extremely talented and amazing athlete mostly for soccer, football, and wrestling
hey its walid ahmady alright now it is starting to be fun.
it means its Walid Ahmed cabdala the king
Walid Ahmed Cabdala what are you doing?
Am a Walid Ahmed Cabdala
If you were named after this name, then you are one of the lucky men in this earth. This name defines all the good and finer things in life. Albert einstein real name were Walid el ali. So if you are named after this name, you have to enjoy life to the max
who is that handsome, wealthy, sexy and brave man, he is probably a Walid el ali
As one of the members of 'i put milk before cereal' Walid or his family call him Arham, is a person whose life dedicated to cows.
Hey look at Ahmed Arham Walid and the cow!
walid is the type of man who works for a business registration authority and does not understand that the official dictionary and the urban dictionary are separate things
Walid did not understand that Shillionaire has no official meaning
Adjective for fat, stupid, gay shit. Originally known as Donkey owners in Somlia. They're also usually shit at everything but will do anything for food.
What ever it takes
Boy with long hair:I'll actually bang u
Unknown T:Shut up you fucking Walid
A cute human being. Its owner is called Marc and is really really really jealous. If you encounter one, then don't ever tell people it belongs to you, because Marc could just appear out of nowhere and put his d*ck on your face .
This is so walid that it could make your marc pur