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a wallflower is a person that doesnt like talking or being around other people. though they might not talk to people, i know many things about a lot of people. they are the ones that you can tell anything to and they wont tell anybody because they prefer to not talk to people in genral. they are only open to their true friends, but some times they act fake to hide their shyness in front of them too. no one talks to them, or chooses to, because wallflowers dont seem like interesting people to talk to. youll never become friends with a wallflower until you get to break into their thick, thick shell. wallflowers are some of the most interesting people to meet, but you will never get to know them unless you try because theyre not the type to be the starter of a friendship.

i consider myself a wallflower. most of the time people veiw it as a bad thing, but its really not. though i dont have many friends, i love them all.

by iamawallflower May 26, 2018

4๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž


a person who does not dance at dances, but attends them

Stop being such a wallflower and dance.

by Angelique September 12, 2004

189๐Ÿ‘ 403๐Ÿ‘Ž


Decorating ones wall with frail emo children in a decorative manner.

X: hey what are you doing tonight?
Y: I was thinking about going out to find some wallflowers so I can do some wallflowering tonight. Wanna help?
X: no, I'm good.

by Sq33k December 7, 2010

3๐Ÿ‘ 16๐Ÿ‘Ž


That person at a party who dosn't talk to anyone or anything, (s)he just stands there, watching, being antisocial.

Look at her, she is SUCH a wallflower.

by justyournormalunnicorn January 12, 2016

3๐Ÿ‘ 17๐Ÿ‘Ž


A guy/girl in the mostly early teens, that attend music shows (mostly Hardcore) and do not engage in any hardcore dancing or get into the show at all. Most of them find a remote place in the venue with a group of there friends and wont go to witness the band at all. Are usually criticized by other people attending the show for paying to sit in the corner.

dude, fuck them wallflowers back there. Why would you even come here if your going to be like that!?

by big black dude February 26, 2006

27๐Ÿ‘ 427๐Ÿ‘Ž

Avenging Wallflower

Primarily, a basic wallflower who displays a general persona of demure incapability, but is in fact, one of great physical and technical prowess. Generally possess' a vast amount of unheralded, unseen power and go out of their way to be meek and unassuming, at least until a dramatic confrontation of any kind occurs in their vicinity. Whenever any sort of oppressive or aggressive humans (Bullies, jerks, thugs, etc.) are near by and active, they will feel an unholy compulsion to leap into action, screaming and laying waste to all who oppose them with their incredible skills, simply to interfere in the situation and thereby feel that they've done something significant. After they have annihilated any and all participants, they will return to their previous passive state.

Don't beat on Mike; He looks like a nerd, but I hear he's, like, an avenging wallflower.

by Raphe and Erik Wojik November 5, 2006

The Wallflower Effect

When you take a quotable book and make a movie adaption and then white girls in their flocks watch it and quote it till it is exhausted (other activites include writing the quote on various surfaces and places and uploading it to instagram, making galaxy gifs with the quotes, getting cliched tattoos, etc).

The term is dubbed so due to the effect on teenage girls everywhere after the Perks Of Being A Wallflower was adapted into a film 13 years after the release of the book.

'The Fault in Our Stars' by John Green is likely to go through this effect

Example 1:

Kelly: I just got my new tattoo!
Scott: Oh cool, what of?
Kelly: Oh it's one of those sideways 8's and it says 'In That Moment, I swear we were Infinite'
Scott: wtf dumb hoe

Example 2:
(This hasn't happened but it will, I'm sure)
Jenny: Oh I didn't know you smoked you should probably do that outside though
Hannah: I don't smoke. It's a metaphor, I put the killing thing in my mouth but I don't give it the power to kill me <3
Jenny: ???????? *confused because wtf and how did she just do an internet heart in real life*
Hannah: It's a metaphor~~ <3 Augustus Waters <3

These are both examples of The Wallflower Effect

by omgitskebab May 12, 2013