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Waltzing Piss Ant

An obnoxious, posturing, overbearing person of the piss ant mentality.

Look at that gottdamned waltzing piss ant!

by fonspa November 1, 2010

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one man waltz

It is simply the act of masturbating.

Hey, I'm gunna go take a shower and do the one man waltz.

by 'The' Ace February 1, 2005

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one-man waltz

The elegantly clumsy performance of standing up and stumbling, or, generally, standing as if one's feet were being shot at, while sufficiently drunk.

He'd had six scotches and soda while sitting down: upon standing, he performed a one-man waltz.

by Chrysostom January 12, 2013

West Virginia Waltz

The horizontal shuffle, the sideways shuffle, putting the weenie in the bun. Intercourse.

Me and my sister did the West Virginia Waltz last night!

Right on!

by West Virginia waltzer July 20, 2022

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When someone screws you over big time and wrecks your shit, and all you can do is exclaim in pure helpless frustration that you got WALTZED


by Bort Shnort February 1, 2019

Man Waltz

Noun. The choreographed almost dance-like movements of men as they either navigate furniture into or out of a home, the description stems from the readjusting and navigating of corners making the movements resemble a sort of very slow waltz.

"This couch is huge!"
"Its going to be close, but I think we will be able to man waltz it in without scraping the leather."

by muscledummie April 15, 2010

Shitkickers waltz

The act of sort of β€˜shuffling along’ instead of walking properly. Almost as if your shoes are a bit too big for you . Thus resembling someone slightly tamely advancing a relatively solid turd along the sidewalk with their foot or feet . We’ve all seen such half arsed gaits being displayed , mostly by junkies , pissed-up fuckwitts or indeed those individuals that may have in fact , shat in their own clothes .

Dancing the shitkickers waltz

See that lowlife piece of excrement over there , trying to make his way to Lidl , and dancing the shitkickers waltz ?

by Napoleon BonerPart February 17, 2023