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A social outcast that claims to watch anime 24/7 and never fucking stops talking about his “wafiu” crush. Like seriously, they’re fucking pixels. Talk to some real girls

Person 1: “Jayden is such a fucking weeb! He gets no pussy!”

by Mamzmzmskksskzp June 24, 2021

10👍 6👎


Stupid person

I am not a weeb

by The worst person ever February 9, 2018

63👍 68👎


Ben Schlaff

Ben Schlaff watches anime and masturbates to anime girls so he is a weeb

by The_Shepherd February 20, 2018

28👍 25👎


Stop calling yourself a fucking weeb its so embarrassing

Weebs are people who are obsessed with Japanese culture to the point where they wish they were japanese

by taeforpresident December 20, 2020

13👍 7👎


Travis is a weeb

Travis, you're a weeb embrace it

by xurlet May 7, 2019

11👍 9👎


A person who watches 1000 hours of anime and mains d.va on overwatch. They like to talk about anime and are usually named david

David watched 124 animes so he is a weeb

by Huntart February 22, 2017

52👍 56👎


Someone who has good taste and gets made fun of it, because people are uncultured swines and weebs are men of culture.

Weebs have great opinions!

by Dried Crumbled Dead Leaves August 26, 2020

29👍 32👎