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White-black syndrome

When a white person attemptes to be cool and tries to act like a black person or try to act "ghetto". It is the sane thing vice versa. Black-white syndrome would be a black peron acting white.

Justin Bieber was a person with white-black syndrome.

by DMarshall17 March 13, 2015

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White momma syndrome

When a mixed black kid has a white mom and therefore has a closer connection to their white side. This often leads to them preferring to be identified as “mixed” instead of black, having anti-black political views, or having a lack of knowledge on how to take care of their hair or cook. It may also lead to them exclusively liking and dating white people.

It’s important to note not every mixed kid has white momma syndrome, but many do.

Person 1: “Did you hear Kayla doesn’t support Black Lives Matter? I don’t get it, she’s black!”
Person 2: “Well you know she got that white momma syndrome smh”

by LeafSaver January 18, 2021

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White Knight Syndrome

The term can refer to multiple circumstances but for the purpose of this definition we will limit to white knights who frequent adult venues like strip clubs.

In the adult world, a "White Knight" is a guy who goes to an adult venue taking full advantage of the woman's perceived depravity while he is in fact being taken advantage of for his money by a girl who knows all too well what she is doing and likely rather enjoys her job, especially with suckers like these. However because he believes he is taking advantage of a woman in need, he tries to rescue her from the deviant nature of the other men in the bar and be like a respectful boyfriend.

In the end, the White Knight Syndrome sufferer constantly flames and otherwise insults the men who go there for the intended reason who have the common sense to realize what it is the girls actually go to work for each time. This makes him sleep better at night after he is a patron at one of these clubs, because he saved the girl and treated her like a true lady even if her intention was to entice deviance from the men of the club.

Also known as brown nosing, kissing ass, and being a sell out.

"So you're there to get a charge out of imposing on them to compromise their dignity more than they probably already feel they are by being there in the first place?" - White Knight Syndrome sufferer

by The Red Knight August 6, 2012

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White man syndrome

When the white man thinks they're of a higher capacity or smarter then any other race, always second geussing someone of color or doubting something they themselves haven't put together because they think they are smarter then the other race

The white men at Valard treat all natives like they are stupid they have white man syndrome it's all in they're own minds when infact they aren't really smarter then a single cell organism with 1 instinct eat .

by Smartest man in existence November 2, 2020

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White Devil Syndrome

White Devil Syndrome can be diagnosed by anyone observing a White Devil Bastard committing atrocities to man. White Devil Syndrome was first discovered by Malcolm X long ago. A White Devil can be anything from the guy that joins the xbox party to play racist tiktoks to a much wider broader and extreme set of actions.

white devil: *insert racial comment here*
oh Dylan, you must’ve caught White Devil Syndrome again!

by Eli The Enlightened November 5, 2022

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White man syndrome

When you find yourself drawn to white men all the time and cannot get enough of them especially when they're tall and have immaculate game.

You cannot escape this diagnosis once you catch it, you're stuck. For LIFE.

Did you see Sarah? She's got a wild case of WMS (white man syndrome)

by K1TRAPPY November 7, 2022

white wall syndrome

When you're locked up/in a room for long periods of time with white walls you start to go fucking insane

White wall syndrome is starting to effect my life...

by Thekidd 113 March 30, 2016