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a white male/female - regardless of class, who seeks to identify with gangsta-rap by wearing typical clothing modes.

they adopt rap words and phrases and wear their hair in a distinctive fashion (overly large and baggy)representative of rap artists - often with inflamatory words on front and back of "T" shirts.

by owen (pan-africanist ... but not akin to aforementioned) January 4, 2003

22πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž


A word that can be used hardly as much as it is, a wigga is someone with a disability that actually literally confuses someone to thinkin they are a different colour, a wigga is NOT a white person walking around with G unit and new era caps listening to hip hop, they are just doing there own thing and acting how they want, they do not think they are black because they would have to be blind because they can see themselves that they are white,

Some dumb guy, You are a wigga look at u with that prada and dat air jordan,

White man, i would have to be blind to be a wigga, im just doing my own thing, there is not a way that blacks can act and whites can. People can act how they want.

by Furious reppin LYG October 18, 2006

47πŸ‘ 29πŸ‘Ž


White people who try to act like they're black using steorotypical expressions like "word up".

White guy: Word up fo' shizzle! Ima call my homiez to rap.
Black guy: You fucking wiggas

by AcadΓ©mico November 22, 2007

23πŸ‘ 12πŸ‘Ž


Just plain fuckin annoying...

" Damn that wigga is fuckin annoying trying to fit in with his fuckin fake ass Ecko shirts and his fuckin skating shoes. "

by john horvath August 15, 2006

20πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž


A white nigga normally a white person who acts black normally turns out GAY when they get older

Lachlan:Hey Dude check out that Wigga
other guy:wow hes gonna be gay

by monster915 September 3, 2008

10πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž


simply a white individual who makes an attempt to act, sound, and appear as if he/she is from the "ghetto" when realisitcally they have never touched a gun or done any activities that would qualify them as being a 'nigga'

yo g look at dat white cat wit dat fubu shirt on and da new tims...dam yo...hes a straight up wigga and im bout to go ova theere and bust his a$$

by doctor-jay May 31, 2003

10πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž


Sumone who is white that acts black

Nathan Dunnington

by Nathan Dunnington April 5, 2003

13πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž