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Windows Phone 7

The best smartphone ever!!!Made by Microsoft. Its available to carriers like AT&T, T-Mobile, Sprint, soon to be Verizon, and others more with excellent models like the samsung focus. Has xbox live, zune,bing and office. Gets things quicker than an iphone and the fastest growing app store

Coach:can someone find the nearest pizza place
•5 Seconds after•
me(with Windows Phone 7):done
Friend with iphone:hold on
•30 Seconds later•
Coach: we'll go with the wp7, if we listened to you steve jobs will follow us

by jonster26 May 14, 2011

81👍 73👎

Windows Phone 7

A next-gen mobile OS from the techno giant Microsoft. It has been called "revolutionary, new-age, perfect consumer device", and has been said to be giving Apple a run for their money.

Jeff: I just got a Windows Phone 7 device.

Janet: Really can I see it.

Jeff: Yeah.

Janet: This is SO cool.

by hitRECordjoe September 11, 2010

86👍 118👎

Windows Phone 7

A phone that is not able to copy and paste, multitask, mount SDCards or offer any popular applications. Microsoft's failed attempt to make a phone.

I heard a Microsoft Employee tell me how cool his new Windows Phone 7 is. I asked him if he could multitask applications like Pandora and browse his e-mail at the same time. He said no. I asked him if popular apps like Angry Birds were available for it. He said no. I asked him if he could add and remove an SDCard from the device. He said "Only if I want to Brick the Phone". It's a real game changer!

by Microsoft Zombie June 28, 2011

57👍 114👎

Windows 7

Most overrated operating system in the history of mankind.

Windows 7 is just Windows Vista: Less Shitty Edition.

by mhmdv July 28, 2018

Windows 7

An outdated piece of crap used by people who think car companies “don’t build ‘em like they used to”
Windows 7 users completely ignore all the advancements that Microsoft made in 10 years and show how edgy they are by sticking it to the man.

I ran SFC /scannow on Windows 7 but it says some system files couldn't be repaired.

Yeah, bud. Your componet store is corrupted. Enjoy spending two days reinstalling your Windows and thirty different applications.

by gmoney2 February 18, 2019