a bit confused and don't have the feeling where you are or what is exactly going on.
She just fell of the electric scooter and currently she is feeling wuzzy
Curly bits of hair/sideburns that stick out from your pony tail.
Wow your wuzzys are pretty wuzzed today
Can be defined as a "Stay at home" wife, with no kids, or a "Stay at home" mom, where the kids are old enough to be in school full time.
This particular individual has chosen laziness over productivity, and aspires to do nothing with their life and contribute nothing to the human race.
Note - Unless you've won the lottery or come from generational wealth, you DO NOT want to become this!
Peg, get off the couch and put down the bon-bons. Go get yourself a job and stop being a skuzzy wuzzy!
a fat faced zesty melt with ork ears fat cheeks and boz eyes he has a mingin bloater and goes red in every social situation as he is the fuzzy wuzzy wig white lao he also has a 1 inch winky and has ming spots all over and his belly is bigger than fatlas martins he also has calcium moobies and a shakespeare tupe flat head fuzzy wig
that guy has such a fuzzy wuzzy shakespeare tupe what a bloater belly milky silky moobs wrongen what a fuzzy wuzzy tupe wig
A person, typically female, whose occupation is a "Stay at home" Wife or Mother.
She quit her job as a Full-time registered nurse to stay home and become a Scuzzy Wuzzy.