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A nice place to watch random music videos & such like that, such as music videos, episodes of a favorite TV show, & so on and so on. But there's a few things I have to complain about, though:

1. The commenting, some of these can get WAY out of control, it's all the same: Some random troll who can't spell for shit (12-20) trying to get a rise out of people by spouting racial, sexist, homophobic, and just plain obscene crap, which then leads to the flame war.

2. Anime nerds and Narutards who think that every song in creation (including the ones that suck) sounds just right with clips from Naruto or they increase the "popularity" of the dreaded Linkinballz

3. 12 to 15 year olds with Cola and Sprite, a camcorder, a random song, some random crap, and, well....just, 0_o

Well...., at least I can watch good Music videos on Youtube.

by CompletelyRandomChicken April 10, 2007

170๐Ÿ‘ 30๐Ÿ‘Ž


An excellent website for video hosting. It is very good but also has its downfalls.

Good Things - Great variety of videos to watch, ability to freely express your opinion through videos.

Bad Things - AMVs, idiots, spammers.

Fucking Stupid Guy : (commenting on a Rammstein music video) Omg! Rammstein r teh nazis becuz tey r lik teh German!!!111

Cool Guy : Hey fuck you, buddy!

*Pointless, drawn-out arguing ensues.*


10 Year Old With Too Much Time On Hands : I think I'll take clips from stupid fucking Naruto, loop them to some gay fag emo music, edit it all with Windows Movie Maker, and put them on YouTube for no reason.

by Zach I October 1, 2007

120๐Ÿ‘ 20๐Ÿ‘Ž


Before October 2006, it was a place where intelligent people could place their videos and post music. That was before the makers of YouTube sold out by giving the rights to Google. Now, it is a place for 13-year-olds with camcorders and too much time on their hands, nerds who make Naruto videos playing to their favorite Linkin Park song, trolls, and Internet tough guys.

A reply sent to me on YouTube:

"dude u got anger issues :L , u can take from ur๏ปฟ atitude no one loves u , cant blame them lol , awh is that all u want a hug ? dude ur a big hypercrite , , fucking dipshit lawl kthxbai ,"

by WPH15 August 1, 2009

131๐Ÿ‘ 23๐Ÿ‘Ž


A video hosting site. Unfortunately, it is ruined by copyright laws and little annoying flamers/trolls that are hard to get, kinda like flies, but they don't die. It is also ruined due to the fact that Google bought it; not giving options, such as the recent news, they're forcing us to switch to the new, worse beta channels.

New YouTube isn't like the old YouTube anymore.

by MisaTange July 5, 2009

209๐Ÿ‘ 39๐Ÿ‘Ž


Online video sharing site, owned by THE MIGHTY GOOGLE.

Youtube has videos. Yes it does.

by Bean945 October 10, 2006

914๐Ÿ‘ 202๐Ÿ‘Ž


An addictive site for videos. Nowadays it's clogged up with pointless ads from vevo and mainstream music. By broadcasting videos, people have gained fame that they may or may not deserve. It's still a pretty good site though.

I think I'll go and watch some random videos on youtube.

by Don'tsayIdidn'twarnyou December 18, 2010

22๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž


A video sharing website. It was bought by Google in 2006, where it went quickly downhill.

There is almost no free speech in Youtube, they force you into things you don't want, you get idiots bitching at you for an opinion, companies like Viacom and Colgate frequently remove video's that doen't even do anything wrong, etc. It's basically a dictatorship, but it's ONLINE!

What's the similarity between Communism, Nazism and Youtube?

...They're all dictatorships!

by Another Madman August 16, 2009

66๐Ÿ‘ 10๐Ÿ‘Ž