Source Code

Yukon Casserole

After anal intercourse followed with vaginal intercourse, you insert your truffle butter covered dick into the woman's mouth. While she vomits, catch the shit, cum, and barf mixture in a casserole dish. Bake at 350 for 45 minutes and invite your friends and family over to enjoy the delicious mix.

"Bro, me and the ole lady made some Yukon Casserole last night, wanna come over for dinner?"
"Hell yea man! I'll bring my parents!"

by Bearded_heathen February 17, 2022

Waxing the Yukon

Waxing the Yukon” is a euphemism for shaving your vagina. Waxing equates to shaving, trimming, waxing or sugaring. The Yukon refers to the Y of your crotch and that the Yukon is hard to get to but beautiful when you do.

Jackie said she was “waxing the Yukon” and clogged the shower with “wax”.

by Pegleg T October 29, 2020

Yukon Bomb

Like a Jaegerbomb, except Yukon Jack whiskey, and cola, usually Coca Cola.

Elena is acting crazy tonight after all those Yukon bombs in the back of the java shop.

by Java Johhhhhhh January 5, 2021

Yukon Understatement

Immediately after peeing in the snow, one rams his unchub in the pee hole in the snow. After the phallus is sufficiently frozen and frost bitten, the actor pulls one off. Simplicity is key.

"Hey man, how'd your night go? It was so cold out!"


"How come?"

"This girl rejected me, so I had some terrible blue balls. To relieve the situation, I had an old fashioned Yukon Understatement to set me right."

"Right on, brother."

"Not really. The tip is still frozen."

by Francis Shedaisy February 19, 2011

4👍 5👎

yukon rockslide

Having your leg caught in a bear trap while getting punched in the face to cum

I gave that bitch a Yukon rockslide. Wonder why she hasn't called back?...

by lordnahte2 February 28, 2018

1👍 1👎

Yukon Cornelious

A mountain man extrodinair!

That boy is a regular Yukon Cornelious!

by Eric Johnson February 11, 2004

8👍 34👎

Yukon pump house

Having sex in a body of water of less than 5 degrees Celsius resulting in shrinking of the penis causing an unpleasant orgasm.

Man I just had a Yukon pump house

by Yukondaddy February 9, 2021