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An acronym originally meaning Young Urban Professionals. Usually referring to one who exhibits pretentious or snobbish behavior.

The two Yuppie met at Starbucks and fell in love while comparing their L.L. Bean catalogs.

by Roze May 25, 2005

539๐Ÿ‘ 194๐Ÿ‘Ž


a very arrogant well put together young urban professional who you more than likely will find wearing gucci and prada with a large bank account which they love to brag about. You can find them drinking Starbucks, living in a one bedroom apartment in a city where they will pay 1000-2000 a month for and spending another 3000 a month on their credit cards. They brag about their designer clothes and love to flaunt them , as well as their wealth. They look down upon anyone who isnt as wealthy or high status as they are. Men are likely to be found wearing designer suits, gucci preferably with slicked back or well cut hair. The women will be wearing prada/gucci and fendi. The most arrogant concieted fucks on the planet.

Look at that yuppie flaunting his wealth.
Most of the characters in American Psycho

by Paul Allen February 25, 2005

3011๐Ÿ‘ 1198๐Ÿ‘Ž


Those who flaunt that they have cash, but who might not. Women yuppies are usually seen wearing brands like gucci, prada, drinking Starbucks, and has a coach bag. Also known to drive SUV's. Always arrogant and snot-nosed. Most associated with soccer moms. Rarely associates with those out of the yuppie group.

Soccer moms are yuppies.

I live in a yupped out town.

Rich guys that buy harleys that think they're bikers.

by psedofuck September 9, 2011

21๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž


yuppies are trendy young upper class college educated people. yuppies have jogging strollers or baby Bjorn baby carriers (ladies), greenhouses,trek with trek poles (yuppie poles),college sweat suits,plasma TVs,kindle,chi irons,Keurig coffee machines,go to movie screenings and cupcake bakeries, shop at upscale stationary stores, wineries, rare bookstores, upscale stores Williams Sonoma,upscale museum shops Metroploitan Museum of Art moma.org, trendy bookstore Kramerbooks,Apple stores, tea shops,go to farmer's markets with expensive (often oversized) strollers, health foods stores, Costco, international upscale grocery stores : Phoenicia Houston,TX, World Harvest Illinois,upscale grocers: Balducci's,Wegmans,Harris Tweeter,Straub's

yuppies are into tennis,wine clubs, risotto,(ladies) wearing heated neck wraps at spas and detox body wraps, Pilates,yoga,Martinis,chai,and go to kinesiologists and patisseries.

by diane70 February 28, 2012

33๐Ÿ‘ 9๐Ÿ‘Ž


Pronunciation (YUH-pee)
Synonyms: asshole, Bobo (burgeois bohemian), metrosexual, suburbanite,

Acronym for Young Urban Professional - typically a person who wants you to believe that they are superior to you due to their high-paying corporate job and social status. Activities include frequent purchases of expensive fuel-INefficient vehicles, extravagant clothing and jewelry, and anything that "elevates" them to a higher social standing.

Behavioral traits include intense arrogance, unhealthy preoccupation/obsession with the safety of their spawn, meeting with personal trainers, immeasurable selfishness, and constant obliviousness to anyone who does not have the same or greater "social status". Free thought is not allowed as it disrupts the balance of their world.

Habitat is restricted to excessively large, poorly-built houses (McMansions) which are frequently gated in to form a yuppie compound, typically called a subdivision or gated community. The compound is governed by a small group of fascists operating under the moniker of a neighborhood association. The compound is erected to provide the ILLUSION of a safe and secure environment for the yuppies to raise their spawn.

Yuppie religion is restricted to the Cult of the Dollar.

The yuppie is the scourge of the free-thinking world.

by Squiggly February 2, 2007

172๐Ÿ‘ 69๐Ÿ‘Ž


Term coined in the 80s, describing a certain demographic of Young Updwardly-mobile Professional as found in cities and fast-paced business environments.

Yuppies differ from your bog-standard "business man" due to their relatively young age, their blatant arrogance, bloody-minded ambition and the fact that they care more about their work and making money, than the fact that everyone thinks they are a complete twat.

Any of the characters in American Psycho

by dave July 23, 2004

644๐Ÿ‘ 288๐Ÿ‘Ž


derived from Young Upcoming Professional, or YUP --> "yuppie" became the natural colloquialisation. Derogatory 80s term to describe a 'new breed' of young, wealthy people, typically successful in business and not afraid to flaunt it in a fashion which particularly irritates non-yuppies.

All people with mobile/cell phones used to get tagged with 'yuppie'; the neo-yuppie is one who thinks they are above mobile phones and thus more infuriating in today's social climate than le olde yuppie from the 80s.

by ^_^ April 30, 2003

1419๐Ÿ‘ 775๐Ÿ‘Ž