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annoying little kids that support zoe la groomer

arent zonuts the ones who support the groomer?

by December 16, 2020

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zonut are kind they can be toxic bc they gets lots of hate but there idol groomed not the zonut if u hate zoe dont hate on zonut they are kind

zonut hatter:zoes sooo ugly and she groomed imma blame it on her zonuts bc they di noting wroung
zonut fan: NO

by darsdevil_ on tiktok February 9, 2021

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Zonuts are a fanbase of Zoe Laverne Pemberton (A 19 year old girl who is popular on tiktok but gets a lot of hate but she has done some bad things in the past but has changed) Most people find zonuts toxic but those are mostly the younger one and the a lot of the older zonuts are so sweet and caring

Zonuts: *Makes a video that gets on the fyp*

Girl 1: Are you pretending to be someone?

Girl 2: No, They are a fanpage of Zoe Laverne Pemberton

Girl 1: Who is Zoe Laverne Pemberton?

Girl 2: She is a very beautiful girl who hypes other girls up and is so sweet but she also has done some bad things in the past

by censorlav October 5, 2020

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A cross between a croissant and a doughnut - similar to a "cronut", but made by Australian Pastry Chef Adriano Zumbo.

"I missed out on trying the cronut on my trip to NY"
"Bummer, but you can try the zonut in Sydney!"

by GothicBeeza October 22, 2013

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zonut cult

A crazy group of 7 to 10 yr olds who would kill their parents just to praise their queen/cult leader Zoe LaVerne.

The zonut cult is crazy.

by Bsyshehehdu May 6, 2020

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On November 1st we will be nice to the Zonuts and Zoe! (Even if u hate them!) because of all the hate they’re getting

Zonuts: β€œwhat day is today?” β€œZonut day”

by jessiestanszoeπŸ•ΈπŸŽ€πŸ¦‡ August 16, 2021

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national zonut day

On December Ist it is national zonut day!! This day means you cannot be mean to a zonut if someone does it fanpages have to try to report them. Zonuts be happy it’s your day!!!

In December, its National Zonut Day!

by National Zonut Day November 14, 2021