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fainty and dainty

when you feel like your going to faint but are pushing through it anyways, feeling dainty because you are simply just a girl. More specific to people who have POTS

“Wow i feel really fainty and dainty-“
“Go sit down.”

“Man, i dont feel too good…”
“Are you fainty and dainty too?”

“What do you mean fainty and dainty??”
“I feel like im gonna faint… and that i feel light as a feather like a dainty princess…”

by Luckydudesday February 22, 2025

dainty boy

A petty male, most likely someone who thinks making money is a substitute for lifting & disses women to deal with self esteem issues. Less vulgar phrase for “small dick energy

That guy used to date the hottest girl in school, then when she dumped him after high school he started sniffing coke and became a finance major.

Haha typical b school dainty boy.

by novembersvryown August 6, 2020