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George Bush

The reason for all of the world's problems(even though he's only been president for 3 1/2 years)

I can't back that up at all though(because I'm even dumber than I say Bush is).

Bush caused WWI and WWII.

I'm an ignorant fuck!

by typical retarded Canadian teen who hates Bush October 18, 2004

912πŸ‘ 379πŸ‘Ž

George Bushed

lit: To be a lowbrow knuckle head loser.
Complete retard. Lying sack of shit.
Murderous lying thief.

That guy is so george bushed man, it's sick.

by Gman December 23, 2004

286πŸ‘ 111πŸ‘Ž

George Bushed

To be completely destroyed by the hands of G.W. Bush.

See Fubar

America is completely destroyed, it has been George Bushed. Where to after 2008 Bush? Britain? Poland?

by Frank The Pug May 24, 2006

270πŸ‘ 105πŸ‘Ž

George Bush

You all need to stop just spouting bullsh*t things about Bush that your redneck mommies and daddies told you, and quit bein such pussies. I mean, you all bitch and whine about Bush, but if John Kerry were in office (which he isn't because he's a dumbsh*t), you people would whine and bitch about what Kerry was doing. I mean, look at the definitions of kerry on this site: they are almost all highly negative things, just like Bush's definitions. So, get your heads out of your pussies and quit bitchin.

You guys don't know what the f**k you're talking about when it comes to George Bush.

by George Woodard August 2, 2006

582πŸ‘ 241πŸ‘Ž

George Bush

George W. Bush, the worst president in the American history.

He served as the 43rd president from 2000 till 2008.
His first election in 2000 was controversial.
During his presidency period, the world trade center, twin towers, was attacked and destroyed by terrorism on September 11 2001.
The whole world united with USA against terrorism.
With majority of world supports, USA attacked Afghanistan, a country supported terrorists.

However, Bush, by his own purposes, diversified anti-terrorism to attack Iraq, a country rich with oil but under anti-American and Israel tyranny Hussein. Bush government used several false statements and evidences to bring the USA into war. Regime of Hussein was terminated soon but the Bush’s Iraqi invasion lead long lasting civil war.

Because of Bush’s Iraqi war, the worldwide supports to the USA turned into worldwide anti-Bush Americanisms.
Bush and his administration were keen with importance of oil as many were involved in oil industry. One major purpose of Bush’s Iraqi invasion was to gain stable oil supply from Iraq but chaos in Iraq interrupted immediate benefits from Iraqi oil.
During Bush presidency period oil prices became rocket high. Oil is controlled by oil industries and oil kings who are kind of Bush connecteds. Sharply raised oil prices during Bush period lead inflation in America that caused most American people’s salary devaluation.
Oil productions are controlled by companies, kings and oil countries. Oil prices go up because of oil productions and demands. Who is controlling oil productions??
Both 2004 and 2008 before election, oil prices went down. 2005 after Bush re-election, oil price went up again rapidly. Apparently 2004 2008 both oil prices are aiming to help candidates.

During Bush period, greedy benefits pursuing company moved their factories to China who provided cheaper labor. Many American factories were closed and labors were laid off. On the other hand, China gained enormous capital and technology from America.
Bush administration does not care American people but only care their rich people's benefits.

Because of Bush’s Iraqi war USA got enormous amounts of debts to China and other countries. American is more or less like keeping life style by borrowing huge amount of money while almost bankrupting.

History tells that before the 2 World Wars, European nations dominated the world. However, WW1 lead European nations debt to the USA. WWII led termination of European colonism and the USA became the world leading power.
War debts lead the end of European power. Now, by Iraqi war US got huge debts to China. China who was still almost 3rd world when Bush became the president in 2000, but Bush's uncontrolled companies rapidly made China one of the world biggest powers. Hope stupid Bush's Iraqi war do not lead reoccurrence of the WWs and European nations to American history....

The USA was respected by the world before Bush. Because of Bush, USA lost international respects as a leader of the world not only Bush made huge debts to other countries.

The 43rd President Bush harmed this great nation so badly that imposed great deal of tasks to following presidents to recover from damages caused by Bush.

Hope idiot George Bush did not lead end of American super power in the world...
WWI and WWII led the end of the domination of European power in the world, hope George Bush's Iraqi war does not lead similar effects.

by ramunen September 8, 2008

118πŸ‘ 43πŸ‘Ž

George Bush

Most People only hate George Bush because their favorite movie star or band hates him. HATING BUSH IS A TREND, people only do it because they think its Cool to hate Bush.
George Bush is fighting the people who attacked us on 911, remember.

Bob: Hey Green Day hates George Bush!
Bill: Cool, Lets Hate George Bush too.
Bob: I like how Green Day uses this to make money!
Bill: Yea!! Trends Rule.

by Tom D. September 9, 2006

595πŸ‘ 255πŸ‘Ž

George Bush

A president.
Whether liked or not, he is a president.

George Bush is my current president.

by SaraGreenfeet May 27, 2005

846πŸ‘ 379πŸ‘Ž