Man: How does a boy become a man usually by dissassociation..cutting off from the family,expected to challenge authourity,be aggressive,and manipulative at an early age..this is tolerated and encouraged by elders in most societies.
A boy then watches porn with his friends talks about 'hating' girls etc...Couple this with dissassociation from family the first cut off point is the mother,to become a man one must dissassociate from his emotions,become distanced from them and rely being a dick instead.
Not much has changed most boys are encouraged to behave in such a manner and it is even applauded!
Throughout the ages,man's identity has been synonymous with 'woman',usually the dominance and abuse of woman is part of forming his identity(in some way shape or form regardless of who the man is ,he may rely on being an immature boy or being a complete manipulative dick either way)his difference from 'woman' is his only claim to be a man..
Man..I am not suprised that most boys grow up into fucked up sick men.
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Man: How does a boy become a man usually by dissassociation..cutting off from the family,expected to challenge authourity,be aggressive,and manipulative at an early age..this is tolerated and encouraged by elders in most societies.
A boy then watches porn with his friends talks about 'hating' girls etc...Couple this with dissassociation from family the first cut off point is the mother,to become a man one must dissassociate from his emotions,become distanced from them and rely being a dick instead.
Not much has changed most boys are encouraged to behave in such a manner and it is even applauded!
Throughout the ages,man's identity has been synonymous with 'woman',usually the dominance and abuse of woman is part of forming his identity(in some way shape or form regardless of who the man is ,he may rely on being an immature boy or being a complete manipulative dick either way)his difference from 'woman' is his only claim to be a man..
Most men are not even man enough..more like a bunch of dater boys and full of shit
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A misunderstood creature in this heedless world. He seeks to find happiness, so he chases wealth, power, fame and love of women endlessly in despair and emptiness. The society around him targets him as a primary audience, because he is suppose to be the "bread bringer," so he is constantly expose to the lies of pornography, lottery, get rich schemes, scams.... and even after so many ventures, tends to hide his discomfort and pain, because society told him that "a real man doesn't cry." He wants to be a great son, a loving husband, provider, sustain-er, protector and a compassionate father, but is often misunderstood by the opposite gender as one and the same and acquires labels such as pimp, playa, perv.....His life is forever empty.... He live only through the eyes of others, so he ventures his entire life just so he can be called a man.
He will be a fine man one day
Be a man
Man up
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A man is someone who frequently doesn't phone or send an email when they say they will. This definition excludes: good husbands, brothers and fathers.
Man say's "I'll get back to on that you tomorrow."
Man say's "I'll call you at 9:30." (then doesn't)
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A Miserable little pile of secrets!
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The prefix added to a word to make it manlier, as in manpurse (a manly purse), manswer (a manly answer) and mancave (a manly cave or place for a group of men).
Special note: Sometimes it is necessary to replace the first syllable of the word for man- as in the example, manwich, a manly sandwich which contains a unusual amount of meat.
Sally: Geez Joe, do you always masterbate in a pool of sharks while juggling flaming chainsaws?
Joe: Don't you know anything? I'm not masterbating, I'm MAN-sterbating!
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The Man becomes a part of your every day life the very minute you leave college, and lets be honest, as opposed to smiling and shaking hands with the dean while accepting your diploma on graduation day, you should have simply been kicked in the balls.ย ย
But he did begin to emerge even during those blessed college days, with words like internship, resume and the "real world."ย "This will look great on my resume!" Don't fool yourself, the resume is a creation of The Man. I mean what is a resume?ย Your name and a list of your achievements ranging from school to job experience, or is it a list of failures considering your still looking for something new.ย How much can you tell about a person by one single sheet paper and a cover letter talking about you and your five-year plan.
He is also responsible for the cubicle, a confined space with no windows, a jail cell where the time you serve is between the hours of 9 and 5.ย Let's not forget the time you have to spend in traffic, or mentally winding down from your day at "work."
Perhaps I am getting a little too ahead of myself, before we attempt to define The Man's many creations, it is important to establish how he functions.ย You must understand that the man is behind most everything in life with the sole goal of holding you back and bringing you down.ย In today's fast paced and money driven society it is becoming more and more challenging to defy The Man.ย You see The Man needs you more than you think, in order for The Man to continue to function he needs you to work, to vacation, to date, to eat, to watch T.V., to drive, etc. (the list continues forever).ย I know what your saying, these are things everyone does... that is the catch, you do all of these things on The Mans watch.ย He decides when you do just about everything.ย You work from 9 - 5, you sit in traffic or metro lines before and after, you vacation 2 out of 52 possible weeks, you eat during your lunch break, you date and go out after work.ย
The few who have successfully defied the Man do many of the same things as everyone else, but they do it whenever and wherever they want.ย Who are these people you ask? People who chose an alternative lifestyle free of rush hour, cubicles, conference calls, and performance reviews.ย People who decided that life is too short to compete in the rat race for essentially a life of climbing up the corporate food chain in order to improve on ones lifestyle through title and material possession.ย Those who have successfully defied the man live their lives in many different ways, some chase a dream that wouldn't be possible to achieve while working a normal job, others risk everything to build something great, and others simply explore some of the amazing places and things life has to offer that one cant see behind a computer screen.
I hope the above information hasn't discouraged you; it is not intended to do so.ย We simply realize that for the majority of us The Man will continue to play a major role in each and every one of our lives.ย This website is intended to provide all of us with a sanctuary free of The Mans day to day efforts to hold us back.ย A forum designed to post, present, and discuss anything of funny and valuable substance to help us understand the many ways The Man works.ย So please feel free to contribute to, after all it is a website dedicated to you, the common working man.
Youll find all the examples you need at
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