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for some reason, self-injury has become associated with "emo's", which makes no sence at all as emo is quite a new thing, but people have been cutting for way longer than the trend has been about.
cutting is often a sighn of deeper mental problems. some people cut for attention, and people tend to look down on these people, but in my opinion, if they are realy willing to cut themselves to get attention, then i think they deserve it, but people who cut themselves to try and fit in with the "emo" trend just annoy me.
people who dont cut for attention try to cover it up as best they can, which if really dificult, especialy in summer. cutting helps relieve emotional pain, many cutters cannot explain why they cut, but it just...makes them feel beter.
NOT ALL CUTTERS WANT TO DIE. and that may be hard for you to understand, but it is true.

yes, i am a cutter. but i walk around in jeans, a t-shirt and a hoody. no one knows except one or two of my freinds, they dont talk about it. so dont even think about saying that all cutters cut for attention.

by s9uit December 23, 2007

31๐Ÿ‘ 13๐Ÿ‘Ž


Okay, briefly, cutting is a coping mechanism, though not necessarily a good one. I do not condone the use of cutting to solve problems despite my own history with it. Mary of Nazareth your arm was inspiring, it the way mine would if I hadn't given my knife away.
Cutters do not often want attention and if you have a friend who does cut for attention, beat the shit out of them because it can become addictive. Medically cutting releases endorphins making a person feel better and certain cutters enjoy the sight (and personally taste) of their own blood. Cutters often cover up their cuts with anything from long sleeve shirts to shea butter to reduce scarring.

Cutters use, but are not limited to (don't underestimate a person's ingeniunitey when they need to satisfy a craving): razor blades, exacto knives, scissors, jack knifes, switch blades,.. saws of various types, and glass.

If you know someone who is a cutter, well don't follow any set advice, your friend may not be suicidal at all, in fact they likely aren't. For those of you who have addicted friends trying to quit, watch them closely because they usually have the incredibly strong urge to make extreme lacerations. Personally, as a cutter trying to quit my withdrawal often leads me to wanting to use suicide grade cuts.

Cutters are not all emo fuck ups, we're normal people too, and some of the nicer ones at that.

I gave my knife away to a friend leaving me with 9 exacto knife blades, a few saws and an array of kitchen knives with which I may cut myself. Cutters use cutting as an escape mechanism

by Scarred and Addicted April 23, 2007

223๐Ÿ‘ 133๐Ÿ‘Ž


Cutting is a way of releasing anger, sadness, or other feelings by inflicting pain on oneself. A cutter usually will slash at their arms, wrists, stomachs, and other body parts in an effort to draw blood. Sometimes, cutters will attack parts of their body they dislike (i cut my face several times). Contrary to common belief, a cutter is not always emo/goth. I used to be a cutter myself until a few months ago, and I am not in any way emo or goth. I listen to rap and play sports all year (emos listen to rock/metal and skate). A cutter will usually try to hide their scars with long sleeved clothing and cover-up, but this is not always effective. Cutters are not always suicidal, this is often a misconception. Sometimes normal people will cut as a result of the death of a friend or a breakup, but this is uncommon.

If you know any cutters, try to talk to them about how they feel, you could save a life.

by i a n g July 15, 2008

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People who deal with emotional loss/pain differently than you.
NOT someone who wants to commit suicide or wants to die.

Cutting has nothing to do with being emo.

Cutters are ussually judged too quickly.

by ................................................ August 16, 2005

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A person, most commonly a girl in their teens, who has been through so much in their lives that crying (or sometimes they just can't cry)or any other form of emotional release becomes inefficient, therefore they resort to self-injury (aka self-mutilation, self-harm), but not intended to be a form of suicide. Self-injury is usually a sign of a serious mental disorder such as depression or bipolar, and caused from traumatic events such as death, sexual or verbal abuse, or low self-esteem.

Usually, proof of this behavior is well-hidden by wearing long sleeves and pants. Most self-injurers do not advertise their injuries. There is a such thing as 'attention cutters', or people who injure themselves just so others will feel sorry for them. Attention cutters usually purposely talk about their actions and make it seem almost like something they're proud of.

Cutters are often given the label of emo or goth, only because people are too ignorant to see that these people actually have pretty messed up lives. These stereotypes usually push these kids to want to hurt themselves more severely, thus those who have such narrow-minded views on cutters should shut their mouths and care about their own sorry lives.

"I hear she used to be a cutter, but since her family intervened, she's been to a counselor and is now on anti-depressants."

Stereotyped View: "Look at her over there, you can just tell she's a cutter because she has no friends and listens to emo music and wears black makeup."

by ximafake February 13, 2006

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No, we are not "attention seeking" or "trying to kill ourselves" It's a way out of all our pain. All of you who judge us, you don't know anything about our lives or who the hell we are. Do you? I believe that is a big fat, NO. Do not start telling us we're attention seeking, If we were why would be shy away if you spot them, why do we wear long sleeves? Why the chunky wrist bands and bracelets? It's not a cry for attention, but a release from all you judge mental little idiots.

What the hell gives you the right too do that? You have no idea what you're talking about, come back to me when you've cut up half your body and been through everything we've been through.

Judge mental idiots- You're such an attention seeker, Kill yourself and get it done with.

cutters- I don't cut too die, I cut for control, a release.

by unic0rnpukee December 5, 2011

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a cutter is a slang term for someone who for whatever reason self-harms. this is in NO WAY to be confused with the recent teeny-bopper craze of being emo where children dress in black and bright colours and claim to be "misunderstood" and cut because MCR have sung about it. i am being generic ofcourse, im sure some emo children have problems.

the reson behind this cutting, can stem from anything from stress, to full blown clinical depression, and often is caused by some traumatic event in the person life. whatever the cause or the reason it is equally serious. cutting is a form of relife, whether to take your anger out on yourself or because you feel worthless and are unhappy with your life, or even just because you are so frustrated you don't know what else you can do. it is a coping strategy, it is therefore almost the opposite to suicide where a person is giving up on life, cutting is perseverence.

cutters are often branded attention seekers. THIS IS NOT THE CASE. i can say from my own personal experience, when you bear the scars of cutting, the last thing you want is anyone to pay attention to them. i spent some of the hottest days of summer in long sleeves until i almost passed out, was forced to remove my jumper and had school friends commenting on my cuts, from then on i preceeded to cut on my stomache.

the best thing you can do to help someone you think might be cutting is to avoid talking about their cuts but constantly reassure them that you care about them and offer them a shoulder to cry on. but don't feel you have to share their burden.

how a cutter feels (based on personal memories): i have a mountain of coursework due in on monday and my parents are in the middle of a divorce and i have no self confidence causing me to be paranoid about what people are saying about me and i am disgusted with my apperance - the pressure and emotion of all of this is building up in my chest i can feel it physically hurting, its hard to breath - wheres my razor? - there, run it over my skin a few times, it cuts like a knife through butter - relife, i can breath again.

by magic. August 21, 2008

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