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The worst of the boys out there- Mike.
He's adorable, sweet, and kind. Easy to love and fall in love with, and he makes you give him your all with complete willingness. But in reality, he doesn't even care about you, he's embarrassed of you, won't talk to you in certain publics, and won't message you back. He will avoid you at all costs unless he has no way out. A complete heart breaker, and a self centered asshole who fucks around with your friends. And a waste of time. Stay away from Mikes.

I'm sorry that boy broke your heart, is just how they are. A Mike.

by number 00.7 August 12, 2011

157πŸ‘ 64πŸ‘Ž


the best boyfriend in the entire world<33

me: mike is so hot
*dies from rabies*

by sofiiii<3 October 15, 2022

6πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž


Mike is a wonderful, cute, amazing person. He will be there when your sad or mad. He opens him self up to people when he had something to say. He usually gets people to laugh easily. He is a funny guy and can make you laugh in a second. Mike would be a great boyfriend and would protect you with his heart and be good in bed.

Mike:I like you

You: Same

by You’re mommy your daddy May 19, 2019

1πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


A dark haired handsome man.. about average height, with dark eyes and a five o'clock shadow. Mike is as charming as they come...speaking of which he is known to pull really strange faces at times.
He will make you smile and laugh really hard, so much so you will end up fizzing pop up your nose (if you were drinking).. its ok though he is really nerdy too.

He has the most awesome taste in films and music and is a god of knowledge..well most of the time! They normally have around 9 dogs simply because they cant say no to puppy dog eyes as they posess such a big heart.

The more you get to know Mike the harder you fall for him.
He keeps things real and is such a genuine person who puts others before himself.

Amy: ''wanna spoon under my duvet?''
Mike: ''Ummm. Whats a duvet?''

by High.Cockalorum January 7, 2011

542πŸ‘ 254πŸ‘Ž


(n) Short for Mike's Hard Lemonade. an alcoholic beverage containing 5% alcohol by volume (which is more than most light beers). Mike's is not a beer it is considered a cooler. generally consumed by people who dislike the taste of beer.

beer? nah i could go for some Mike's tho.

by The Junebug March 19, 2010

22πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž


Getting assigned BS chores and assignments from your boss that he or she easily could've done themselves, but chose not to out of sheer laziness. Meanwhile they are surfing the internet shopping for the latest accessories for their guns. Origins link it to a manager that was famous for doing this to many subordinates; whose name was "MIKE".

"Man, I just got Miked into going up to the 23rd floor to reboot a printer. This is BS!!" "Can you go get me that TPS report I just printed. Thanks." (that was a rhetorical question)

by IRM Staff January 12, 2009

22πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž



holy shit why does that chick have rainbows all over her?


by V3n0m811 October 22, 2010

385πŸ‘ 179πŸ‘Ž