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A slightly more classy word for having a wank. Due to its dual connotation can often be misinterpreted for laying down a smack.

Pillips: I sconse anyone who has had a spank today!

Keyworth: What? Giving or receiving?

by Hezbollah1 April 4, 2009

164πŸ‘ 103πŸ‘Ž


To utterly defeat your enemy.

I just "spanked" your whole team with a rocket!

by Spencer T.B. Nolan April 22, 2008

56πŸ‘ 33πŸ‘Ž

spanking it

1. see masterbation
2. (saying)When a man attempts to excite his penis via vigorously rubbing against something rubbing his penis physically or rubbing/hitting the genitals in an attempt at arrousal or for the purpose of masterbation
3. Often an act done during sex in which the man slaps the ass of his partner often for those hardcore sexos or those who have a fetish(fantasy/turn on) for pain 'n pleasure

Oh ya johnnies sure spanking it now (often done when a man's arrousal is exicited to such a level he can no longer contain the desire to not

by MK March 21, 2005

32πŸ‘ 18πŸ‘Ž


Spanking has 2 definitions

Spanking can sometimes to be when a child is either bare or clothed and flipped over a knee to be hit on the bum

Or it can be when people have sex and the male or female gets hit with the paddle or belt.

<Jack gives Elizabeth a spanking>
<Def 1:Elizabeth cries like a baby>
<Def 2:Elizabeth moans with pleasure€

by Uglybitchxoxo October 10, 2020

6πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


When ur butt is hit over and over again by hand

Ryan got a spanking

by Sissy panty boy June 18, 2015

20πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž


What naughty girls give instead of kisses.

by urban pervert March 15, 2003

158πŸ‘ 128πŸ‘Ž


A slap on the bottom with either the hand or a tool such as a belt that is given usually bent over the lap so the bottom is sticking skyward and therefore makes it easier to spank. Spankings are often given on the bare bottom or on panties (or male undies) pulled tight, but this does not mean it cannot be given over pants... It's simply not as effective however. Hits can range from hard to light which are referred to as love taps, and are usually given to girlfriends or wives. Spankings usually last for 40 medium spanks, or 20 hard spanks, plus some leg spanks.

Spankings are given as punishment or for sexual pleasure.

Your getting a spanking!

by HavaGanda September 18, 2015

15πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž