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demonstrative adjectives

where demons jump into your pussy and drinks all of your orgasm juice

did you hear she had a demonstrative adjectives last night

by danaeng March 19, 2010

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Block (adjective- Blockin)

a block, a chunky cuboid of cheese rapped in meat for a delicious drunken snack.

Blockin - to make blocks or to describe a group of people making blocks.

Block (adjective- Blockin)

get me a block mate

pass the block

dont you be stealin my block

so man you wanna come mine for a blockin

by MasterBlocker December 14, 2010

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Kwapis; insult; adjective

A person doing annoying activities doing stupid things being overly loud, and in some cases smell bad.

Brianna you are acting like a total Kwapis; insult; adjective

by Shelbiz2 November 22, 2009

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to add "ed" at the end of someones named to imply that they are acting like or becoming someone,or that they have been pranked by that person

russell:haha, you've been russelled
adam:you and ur name-adjective-afication

by T.K May 10, 2008

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Adjective Deficiency Syndrome (ADS)

A state (usually drunken) when you run out of adjectives in the middle of a conversation and settle for the easiest ones such as "nice", "good, "bad", etc!

Dude, I got so high yesterday I even came down with the Adjective Deficiency Syndrome (ADS)! Everything I spoke about was just "nice" or "bad"!

I always told my teacher that it's not that I'm lazy to write essays, I just have Adjective Defficiency Syndrome (ADS) - this is why my adjectives sucked but she was not supportive!

by Boyfie January 14, 2013

Yahiamice's [PLACE] of [ADJECTIVE]ness

a discord server, owned and created by Yahiamice (Yahi for short)

person 1: Is Yahiamice's PLACE of ADJECTIVEness any good?
person 2: yeah you should join it, there are a lot of funny people

by jarbedious jarmelious 2nd jr September 8, 2023

Lenfording (adjective, noun)

Lenfording - To be a waste yut towards girls and have no swag
To lenford is to talk to girls and get no where

Rickie was talking to Kathy for 6 months but was "lenfording (adjective, noun) thus caused him to lose her to joel

by King Tutttetet October 13, 2011

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