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pussy allergy

The extreme measures a man takes to avoid dating or having sex with women.

Keith must have a pussy allergy. He totally avoided fucking that drunk chick we put in his bed!

by Spillinseed January 1, 2016

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Allergy Season

The period of time someone labels when they are probably sick but don't want anyone to know.

Tyler at work was coughing and sneezing. We noticed he didn't look so good but when we asked him if he was getting sick he claimed it was "allergy season" and that it was just allergies. We all knew he was lying.

by Battletoad_Galactica April 2, 2019

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psychological allergy

When one is unable to eat or often even be around a specific food because it makes them physically sick, usually due to a past traumatizing experience with said food.

Friend: Yo, do you want some of these blueberries?
You: Nah man, the last time I ate blueberries I got sick as fuck and it turned into a psychological allergy so I can’t eat them anymore.

by Sheababy January 30, 2018

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Allergy Bumps

The annoying, large raised bumps on your skin(usually on the legs or arms, but if you're a streaker, it can be OTHER places as well), that are symptoms of an allergy to a nearby object. Allergy bumps itch like hell, and are impossible to resist scratching, only further irritating the affected area.

The average allergy bump is notably larger than a zit, but about half the size of a dime.

Mom: Oh, sweetie, why are you scratching there?
Kid(allergic to cats): It's just Allergy Bumps, I'm fine. I ran into a cat on my way home, so it's really itchy.
Mom: Put some lotion on, it helps keep you from scratching it.

by your mother is ugly September 18, 2011

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pants allergies

someone who is allergic to her pants ((sophia))

sophia is allergic to her pants she had to go to the e.r. last night

by lucy March 10, 2005

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peanut allergy

people who have peanut allergies are losers.

Peanut allergy occurs when your immune system mistakenly identifies peanut proteins as something harmful. Direct or indirect contact with peanuts causes your immune system to release symptom-causing chemicals into your bloodstream. Exposure to peanuts can occur in various ways: Direct contact.

by kennedy.maze July 4, 2023

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He's got allergies

A comedic phrase used by students referring to a fake reason a person skipped school.

Teacher: Is Will here today?
Student: No, he's got allergies again.

by HamesJ January 8, 2017

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