Source Code

Aloe Vera

The correct way to greet a woman whose name is Vera

Vera: Hello Bob
Bob: Aloe Vera

by Jgbsisbdng December 29, 2022

Aloe socks

When you put a shit ton of aloe vera in a tube sock, wrap it around your wiener, and jerk yourself raw.

Hey Mike, the wife's out of town, are you wearing aloe socks tonight?

by Streakin Deacon December 9, 2016

Alo! perro?

when you answer a phone call instead of saying hello! or who is it? , hi! or good morning! you can say Alo! perro?

(ring! ring!)
Tiare: Alo! perro?
Sebastian: Is tiare there?
Tiare: Don't call me pervert!

by pishoncillo May 6, 2010

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aloe verga

Aloe is a rich emollient derived from the "aloe vera" plant that soothes and mosturizes with the consistency of seminal fluid or cum. Aloe farms are prevalent in the deep South Texas area. Verga of course is a Mexican word that is synonymous with cock ,dick or penis as it exisits in a volatile manner. Therefore aloe verga is a synonym for jizz or splooge.

Gary: "Holy shit Alex did you see the sunburn on that skeezers face"?
Alex: " Man Gary, that's nothing that a dose of my Aloe Verga couldn't cure."

by Gary T. Meyer June 13, 2008

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Aloe Power is a Renewable Clean Energy Company building new Eco friendly energy solutions with their revolutionary technology. Aloe Power

Have you heard that about that Revolutionary Tech Company Aloe Power ? There Technology is Phenomenal ! Aloe Power

by Dictionarymanager December 15, 2019

alo mate

The best greeting ever! People who say 'alo mate' are the best type of people.

"Alo Mate"
"OMG, I just know ur funny"

by MeatBallerzz March 10, 2022

Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera is that nasty slimey shit that u put on scars, also that stinky shit asmr ppl be eating. BLAGHH.


by Big.Mama.Skyy February 22, 2022