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Anal beads

a string of wire with tape that causes a bomb to explode wen you run the shit over.

oh shit! were those anal beads?

by That Marine January 11, 2008

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Anal Beads Theory

Many people believe in an afterlife. Recent scholars have developed new knowledge; based on a new study. The study shows a theory developed by the great and powerful mind of Alexander Vilapiano. His theory is that when we die we are in fact reborn. Those who do well in life come back as a Lion or something badass. Those who are evil are re-birthed as Anal Beads.

Anal Beads Theory

1. If you are good in life you are reborn as a lion. If you're a dick, you are reborn as Anal Beads.
2. Danny was a dick to Jose, so when Danny died, he was reborn as Jose's Anal Beads.

by Cpumaster February 13, 2015

Dusseldorf Anal Beads

The act of putting a Bratwurst chain inside your partners anus and then pulling it out at extremely high speeds.Eating the sausage afterwards is common.

Person 1:I heard Lisa did the Dusseldorf Anal Beads with Jack last night

Person 2:Didnt know she was into that!

by Lancerhandle June 9, 2021

Italian anal beads

An Italian anal bead is when you put leftover meatballs and spaghetti up your ass.

Guy 1: When's your dolmio day?
Guy 2: I already had my Italian anal beads this morning. Oh mumma mia what a mess!

by Topboonter March 29, 2020

anal beads for the toe

anal beads for the toe

hey jamie guess what i got on amazon
what is it blake?
anal beads for the toe

by givemehead5 November 25, 2019

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Anal Bead-Seed

To use an anal bead and lose said bead within one's anus, thus 'planting' said bead.
(To reap what you sew)

'Why are you walking so wierd''Planted an Anal Bead-Seed.'

by Machman January 26, 2009

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Irish Anal Bead

When you take a fifth of Irish whiskey and shove it in your ass and do a giant butt chug.

Holy shit that whore shoved a fifth of Jameson Irish whiskey in her ass and did a giant butt chug a true Irish Anal Bead

by Jigga208 April 16, 2022