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When the value one claims for themselves is more than that which they're due.

Those of Humility know their place; those of Arrogance think otherwise.

by WhatYouThinkVWhatYouKnow June 26, 2013

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(v., n., adj., conj., int., prep., adv., pron.)
To be absolutely lit with no intention of stopping. Can be used to describe anything you can think of. Use arrogant as much as possible in a sentence to increase the meaning. Originated in coastal South Carolina in Early April 2015 by the "LAFcrew".

1. C.Hat was arrogant as fuck when he said "W...w...we outsiiiide".
2. Greeny couldn't compete with the arrogance of the LAFcrew.
3. Lit, Arrogant, Absolutely

by LAFcrew April 13, 2015

17๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž


A surrogate of arrogance.

Someone who is not actually a person, but a being of pure arrogance, asshole-ness, and ignorance.

LeBron James, Lil' Wayne, Kanye West, Sarah Palin, and Jennifer Lopez are such arrogates.

by DeadlyDiarrhea April 15, 2011

5๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž


Anyone who acknowledges their victory in an internet argument and or feels the need to state that they are right.

Douchebag: BVB savd mah lyfe! Anyone who says they suck is a hater and should go kill themselfs!!
Normal person: Wow, how arrogant. How idiotic. Comments like this are the reason my faith in humanity died long ago.
Douchebag: Bitch ur just a stupid hater!!
Normal person: Really? You're telling me anyone who doesn't like what you like should kill themselves? Well then that's disapointing i must say.
Douchebag: Kill urself
Normal person: Wow, obvious troll is obvious. You're masturbating to this i can tell. People like you need to be put in a mental institution.
Douchebag: hah fuk u calling me a troll. ur basicaly saying "i win"
Its da same thing!
Normal person: *silence*
Douchebag: Y does no1 say im right? *blows own head off with 12 gauge*

And that my friends, is what arrogance is.

by Satan Clawz November 24, 2014

12๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž


A false and offensive display of overbearing superiority or self-importance.

Williamsville IL- full of people who think they're better than everyone else at everything and the have the most arrogance in central IL. When in accuality they lose at quite a few activities. While they might have some good programs, they refuse to see that they are not better at everything. They feel as though they have a right to win and if they lose it couldn't have been a "good game." They proceed to say that they lost because they "were asleep," or they "weren't playing their best," or "the calls weren't fair" or "the other team cheated." They all just need to understand to try to learn from their mistakes and try to get better rather than complain and complain and complain. They also create the illusion that they are the most phenomental school that has ever walked the face of the earth. What they fail to realize is that, while winning regionals a lot is very good, rarly ever getting to State does not mean you're the best school in the entire universe. The bottom line is that the Williamsville Bullets need to get put in their place to get them to pop their HUGE air-filled heads.

by #sorrynotsorry October 4, 2012

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A drinking game for which you need:-

1) A coin
2) An empty pint glass
3) Any alcoholic beverage
4) Players

You then sit around a table in a large group. The first person must pour an amount of alcohol into a glass, depending on how confident they are that they can predict the outcome of the coin toss and how much they can drink they pour more or less into the glass, hence the name of the game. They must then toss a coin and call heads or tails, if they are correct then the glass is passed to the next person. If they call wrong they have to down the contents of the glass.

Tom: 'I can predict the outcome of a coin toss every time'
Chris: 'Really, you should be good at Arrogance then'
Tom: 'I'm good at everything, me'
Chris: 'Cool'
Tom: 'Right, *pours half litre of vodka into pint glass*, tails never fails, I predict it will be tails' *tosses coin*

*coin lands on heads*

Chris: 'Haha consume you bastard'

by spazzDUCK August 24, 2011

26๐Ÿ‘ 16๐Ÿ‘Ž


a general view on life which concerns thinking your better than everyone

'Oat sure has arrogance, as does his greyhound.. 'arrogance''
'Maloney does not deserve to have arrogance because he is a joke'

by No Bond 2006 November 1, 2006

31๐Ÿ‘ 22๐Ÿ‘Ž