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Back to Back Dutch Rudder

When you and another guy go back to back and dutch rudder eachother, therefore it is totally not gay.

Me and Curtis totally Back to Back Dutch Rudder'd last night...it was hot.

by PomplemooseJones February 13, 2010

Porter Back-to-Back Method

So you know how sometimes it's nice to cuddle, but like sometimes you just CANT. So what we found that the best way to operate is sleeping with your s/o back-to-back.

Is it hot? Are you sick and tired of people? Just sleep using the Porter Back-to-Back Method!

by popsicletoothfairy October 31, 2023

back the fuck back

Basically means to BACK UP, but used when someone is angry, almost to the point of losing it.

"You better BACK THE FUCK BACK or your ass is getting beat."

by Oscar_S October 4, 2007

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back-up, back-up prom date

This is basically someone that you know will say go with you to prom if you ask them. This has to be a person that you can relatively stand for a full night, or else can stand to stand next while taking pictures and then ditch him/her for the rest of the night and hang out with that person that you actually wanted to come with. This has to be a person that you know no one else will want to ask, so they are definately available.

Steve is my back-up, back-up prom date, so I know that I am guaranteed to be going with someone.

by carolinimartini February 19, 2006

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throw back [to throw back]

to rest; to put one's feet up (creolese expression, typical in Guyana)

I'm tired, I'll throw back this afternoon.

by Patrick Walen June 23, 2005

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get back to getting back

To resume doing something that you were previously doing and would rather be doing.

"Biery ill let ya get back to getting back." Biery Valery winks back at Dimitri as he leaves the bathroom to his 3 fine foxy females.

by otot October 16, 2007

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blow your block away... then lean back... lean back...

What Mark mingle will do ifn you piss him off

"im gonna blow your block away, then lean back... lean back"

by Big Ballah March 15, 2005

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