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Cosplay Backstab

To purposely choose a cosplay that a person/friend is very excited about purchasing/making.

Jess: Tim is totally cosplaying as ____
Mike: Fucking wanker, I'm getting _____'s cosplay in a month just got cosplay backstabed

by Ferae November 21, 2010

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backstab fishing

A term used for a technique used in the video game series Dark Souls, where a player continuously side steps around their opponent in an attempt to get a critical hit. It is a way to cheese an opponent quickly with high strength and/ or dexterity, albeit it's not being done to you in which it is absolutely frustrating beyond belief.. This technique accompanied with a laggy internet connection on your opponents behalf (during pvp) will never fail to work. Also, it will never fail to piss people off.

Player 1: *begins circling player 2* Player 2: *targets player one in defense* ; *both players refuse to attack* Player 2; What the fuck! He's just Backstab Fishing, this is annoying as shit! *gets backstabbed and dies* FFFFFFFuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuucccccccccccccccckkkkkkkkkk!!!!!!!!!!!!

by P. Muffin May 30, 2018

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backstabbing thot

A girl/guy that you trust,share all secrets with betrays you

Eg: Sanjanaa is such a backstabbing thot,I can’t believe she would do that

by By Jannason October 31, 2017

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Backstab Murphy

When playing a co-op game, a Backstab Murphy is when one player desperately needs a powerup of some sort (usually health), only to be denied the powerup by his fellow gamer who they happen to be co-oping with.

Player 1: Oh, man. A health pack! Finally!

Player 2: SWIPE!!

Player 1: ... Did you seriously decide to go Backstab Murphy on me?

by Nyxandria December 8, 2009

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Backstabbing Bitch

A girl who lets you think you are best friends but goes around and complains about you to her other friends. She will also tell her friends all of your secrets. When you find this out she will play dumb and lie to your face about it. She will eventually start crying and begging for forgiveness but turn around and do the same thing again.

Person 1:"Delilah is an awful person!"
Person 2:"I know, she's a backstabbing bitch."

by Dumb bisexual mommy December 4, 2021

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Urban Dictionary Backstabbing

When you steal someone's word that is trying to get on urban dictionary before they can post it to get back at them for wronging them.

I was urban dictionary backstabbing my uncle by posting this to get him back for years of teasing.

by Hunter Jefe November 24, 2017

Backstabbing Shit Talker

Someone who talks shit about someone else to you, then goes to that person and talks shit about you.

Backstabbing shit talker creates drama about a common aquaintance to you, then creates drama with the common aquaintance about you.

by KFugg August 25, 2010

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