Fictional name created by the character Phoebe on the television show "Friends." Phoebe wanted a new name and thought Princess Falula Banana Hammock would be a cool one. Her boyfriend told her a banana hammock was a reference to a speedo-type men's swimsuit to change her mind about legally changing her name to Princess Falula Banana Hammock. When she refused, he said he was changing his name to "Crap bag." That did the trick--and Phoebe remained Phoebe!
I am changing my name to Princess Falula Banana Hammock.
19👍 74👎
g string for men holding their, well, holding their hairy cock
i love your banana hammock
The act of stretching out the scrotum under the penis to create a comfortable resting place. This can easily trasition into a sackoline by shaking up and down
Joe's sack hangs so low I bet he can make a king size banana hammock for his sling.
A hammock made from the sweat and tears of banana farmers across the world ... what ? You seriously thought it was a hammock made of bananas ?
I like banana hammock ... yes my hammock is good.