When a hotel or resort that offers all inclusive pricing can no longer afford to run their business as a direct result of Matt drinking all of their liquor.
Matt went down to Punta Cana and got so fucked up he put those motherfuckers in Chapter 16 bankruptcy.
The idea that when two hyper-competitive people or organizations decide to directly advertise against one another the firsts move will elicit a response from the second that will begin a series of escalations in marketing expenditures beyond what would be reasonable in an efficient free market to the point of bankruptcy for both people or organizations. The term comes from the Cold War-era term Mutually Assured Destruction.
McDonald's and Burger King were so concerned with market share with the Big Mac and Whopper that they lost sight of the button line and in an effort to one-up the other in marketing dollars and thus market share, they are both now doomed. It is mutually assured bankruptcy.
when you have so many tabs and so many windows of your internet browser open that it is affecting the performance of your computer and the browser itself.
I had 7 windows of my browser open and 347 tabs open in my main window. I couldn't even get the mouse to move on the screen so I just filed for browser bankruptcy.
Something that makes all debt go away magically according to Michael Scott .
“Bankruptcy makes it just disappears?”
“Just like that!”