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A derogatory term for a short person that works at a store (mainly a produce section)

HEY! you see that BAYLEY over there!?

by cashsaver26 March 31, 2024


An ugly gay rat who likes taking it up the batty down Chatham high street.

NGL Bayley is such a gay rat

by Sarah’s fire November 10, 2020


slug diff

bayley is a slug diff

by sluggy2diffy July 20, 2021


slug diff

bayley is a slug

by sluggy2diffy July 20, 2021


Best house in Raffles Institution

Bayley why so pro so pro!

by anonymous5093 June 16, 2021

Kaysha Bayley

A name representing an amazing person, whose intellect is far beyond this worlds. Beauty at it's finest.

Guy: Woah, that chick is so captivating
Guy 2: Yeah , that would be Kaysha Bayley.

Guy: Woah, that chick is so captivating
Guy 2: Yeah , that would be Kaysha Bayley.

by walalalalalalaip August 25, 2011