Abbreviation for Bros before Hos. Meaning a person who puts their friends first before their ho. The antonym for this would be HBB how before bros.
Bruh Nate is such an HBB
Yeah I’m glad I’m a BBH
Bronte Beach Hoes. The best people you'll ever meet. Tanned af. #GROMS
BBH is swimming at lift.
BBH is so fucking tanned.
An acronym for Big Booty Ho, used to describe people, generally promiscuous women, who have large posteriors.
Damn. She got that dumpy. She a BBH.
shes lovely. shes amazing. the one and only... BGH!!! also know as Samantha, She is the best person you will ever know!
bbh._no._.bgh is my girlfriend and I love her!!!
The mrbeast number or something
Hey bbh do you know what 69 means
Uhh isn't it the mrbeast number or something
Bbh 69