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best friend

A best friend is a person who means the most to you. You always think about them, and miss them when they aren't with you. You have inside jokes with them and a whole bunch of little things that are only significant to the two of you. You know each others family and practically live at each others house. You may call their parents 'mom' or 'dad'. This is the person you trust with your biggest secrets. You tell them anything and everything, and you think alike. This person understands you best, and gets you. You can talk on the phone for hours without even saying anything. You may go to the bathroom, take showers, or sleep while on the phone with this person. You love this person and all their faults, knowing that's what makes them who they are. You do everything together, and you don't need to worry about what they will think of you if you do this or that. They act crazy with you and have no problem looking mentally retarded with you. They might accidently ruin your stuff, or mess something up, but you just laugh because you love this person to death. You would take a bullet for this person, and they should come before boyfriends or girlfriends. They always consider your feelings, and they probably tease you a lot. You say mean things to each other because you find it funny. You may laugh at random things the normal person wouldn't. This person loves to be with you, and you are probably very similar. This is the person you're not afraid to say 'i love you' to, and sleep in the same bed with them. You may have known them since kindergarden, or since highschool. You just find this person fun, and loyal. Best friends are the best people in the world.

My best friend reads my mind.
I would say she is almost like an exact copy of me. And even though she pees her pants on my bed, I still love her to death, and she is my favorite person in the entire world.

by :] ilybestieee. February 18, 2008

243๐Ÿ‘ 91๐Ÿ‘Ž

Best Friend

A close friend who you can tell anything to.
whenever something good happens to you, they're the FIRST ones you call.
you talk on the phone every night and play tap tap revenge 3.
You watch Documentarys on strong toddlers together and be complete douches together.
The person that doesnt tell even the pointless secrets and gives great advice.
Someone who pretty much knows you inside and out.

"yo, brooksi. play me in Tap Tap Revenge."
"kay, bro. even though i'll beat your ass"

"dude, if i tell you this. you can't tell anyone."
"promise bro, we're best friends."

by leira2000774 April 21, 2010

22๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž

Best Friend

Someone who is always there for you when you need them, someone you can tell anything and everything, someone who buys you strawberry shakes at mcdonalds when you dont have money, someone you ride mopeds with, someone who you do crazy shit with that other people wouldnt understand, someone you can fake laugh with for hours just to create real laughs, someone who comes to this website to find crazy words for you to look up that will make you laugh so hard you almost pee your pants, someone who can make your day better just by being there, someone you ALWAYS wanna hang out with, someone you can never get sick of, someone who covers your car with stickynotes on your birthday, someone who fits in just like family, someone who can know what your thinking just by the look on your face, someone you have inside jokes with, someone who is really good at listening, someone who hangs out with you at work, someone you love, someone you have nicknames with that could fill up a whole paper, someone that cheers you up when you're downin, someone you go on roadtrips with, someone who is a crazy bitch but only in the best way possible, someone you can have pointless text-a-thons with everyday and never gets old, someone you laugh with erryday, but mainly someone you can always be yourself with :) <3

Best friends doing crazy shit together -driving on sidewalks even though there is a road right there,

Bestfriends have endless nicknames like Big Cans, BFF, BFFFL,

by Small Cans October 12, 2011

417๐Ÿ‘ 171๐Ÿ‘Ž

best friends

people in the world who lighten your every move and u miss more than words say when u are not together

han, taz and jen

by she devil September 21, 2003

151๐Ÿ‘ 58๐Ÿ‘Ž

Best Friend

A true best friend is someone who is there for you.

They are the shoulder to cry on.
They watch your back.
They make you smile, even when you're mad at them.

They will do anything for you.

They aren't afraid to hang out with you in public, they will just be crazy with you.

You would give a friend an oreo, but you'd give your best friend your last oreo.

by MaddySunSun February 27, 2011

29๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž

Best Friend

There is no definition that can describe you.

You are my Best Friend.

by TurtleBoxer April 29, 2019

23๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž

Best friend

Someone who cares for you, just as much as they care abut themselves. They tell the best jokes, and always know how to cheer you up. Someone who you can tell anything to, and they'll make fun of you, but you know they're just messing around. When someone says "Who's your best friend?" They're the first person to pop into your mind.

Girl "wow I wish I had a best friend like that"
Guy "wow me too. They always look so happy."

by Hellooooohorannn June 9, 2015