A curly headed stupid sum bitch
Yo big al looks like he has onion rings on his head. The stupid sum bitch.
Big Al, often referred to as big man, he is an amazing person, he has huge muscles, he is the best at anything he does, he is the best drummer in the world and everyone loves him, he has heaps on fans.
Bob "Who is that guy the are amazing"
Jim "that Big Al he is the best"
Big lad who can talk the talk but can't walk the walk full of shit
The director of Juwu Furry Actors (AB), who can often be seen driving around in a forklift at mach 3 as a pachycephalosaurus. He has great skill when it comes to killing people.
What is that?
It's Big Al's magical forklift...
NONCE... the true definition of a proper old school nonce. DO NOT, I repeat, do not let this man near your kids unless you want them to be fiddled with beyond belief.
That big al is right nonce, I once saw him hanging outside his flat smoking a rollie and chatting to school girls. proper wrongen