Source Code

Black man mg

man driving about in dat black Mercedes, smoking some weed, about to shank ur fifth grandson

Black man mg gonna be at Nando’s

by irn_bru 750ml glass bottle July 13, 2019

Black Man's Blessing

The philosophy that a single person is granted permission to use casually use a derogatory phrase if one person who is in the group that the phrase is aimed towards does not find offense in it being used. Name is derived from the idea of this concept pertaining to the slur "n*gga," but can also be applicable to many other slurs, such as "f*g" or "tr*nny."

Chris: "Hey, look at that dumb n-gga smoking weed in broad daylight!"
Joe: "You might want to keep it down, dude, that black guy could beat the absolute shit out of you if he heard you."
Chris: "Nah, it's okay, I have a black friend who calls me his n-gga all the time."
Joe: "You want to test out your Black Man's Blessing at this guy, then fine, go ahead."

by RoxanneLalonde June 9, 2013

black man's handshake

The Black man's handshake is a handshake established in the black male community, where two men grab each other's hands, and pull one another into the sides of each other's chest, while patting each other's backs, with their other free hand.

Barack Obama gave 'a black man's handshake' to Kevin Durant, when meeting him for the first time.

by a black lady June 8, 2014

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black mans wash

When you don't shower and only clean yourself with deodrant

That person smells he just have had a black mans wash

by Streetrat101 February 18, 2015

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black man hops

A very large vertical jump. The phrase comes from the stereotype that all men of African descent have above average vertical jump.

Kobe has black man hops!

by loljonolol June 14, 2006

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WWE Black Man

A signal indicating the expression of "oh the humanity." This stems from a GIF of a WWE wrestling match in which the camera zooms in on the crowd, focusing on a black man that appears to be in shock, holding his head with both hands like Edvard Munch's "The Scream."

Did you see that picture of Blair's joker nipples? <WWE Black Man>

by Sean Avery on the Ice July 10, 2010

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A black man in a rainstorm

A universal analogy that can be used in any situation. It means everything and nothing.

Steve, you're about as dependable as a black man in a rainstorm.

Dang, Seth is as sexy as a black man in a rainstorm tonight.

by The Phoenix and The Selkie July 11, 2011

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