A word used when he/she see's another person with their pants/skirt stuck in between both their left ass and right ass.
Ian " DAMN! LOOK! That fat girl at 12 o'clock has a super massive blackhole, i wonder how long that ass has been suckin' it"
Sara " GROSS!!"
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when passing a turd that required much effort and drama to expel. One looks down expecting to see a huge bit of offal and miraculously the bowl is empty and clean. The bowl may or may not be waterless.
Man I took a huge shit , ended up being blackhole poo.
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1. The theory that there exist one super-massive blackhole in the center of the universe. This blackhole was the first blackhole to form when the universe first came into existence. All other blackholes are pangenesis of this original blackhole. 2. Mono-magnets were first postulated by Einstein; the theory that blackholes are actually mono-magnets, possessing a north or south pole, but not both. 3. If the Primordial Blackhole is a North polarity blackhole, then it would have "eaten" all South polarity blackholes, leaving only North polarity blackholes in the universe. Thus, forcing the existing north blackholes that are still forming in the universe to flee from the Primordial Blackhole, in essence, forcing what is left of the universe to expand. 4. The reason that astronomers can not directly view the Primordial Blackhole is because light has an attendancy to bend around massive garvitational fields. Thus, a galaxy on the opposite side of the Primordial Blackhole, could be viewed from some other point in space. 6. The reason that everything in space is in motion, due to the gravitational effect of this massive primordial blackhole.
Primordial Blackhole (Zeus Pangeasus):
This theory was postulated by Victor Darnell Hadnot, a Christian Science Fiction writer: When the universe was first created, the first few seconds after there was light, a single dark spot formed, from what was once blackness. This was the first blackhole, called Zeus Pangeasus. This blackhole has existed for almost as long as the universe. It has been "eating" matter and energy, light since the beginning. This is the reason why it is the largest single object in the entire universe, expanding as it consumes entire galaxies. The reason we can not see it is because it is totally black and spans the entire universe. All light and stars and galaxies that we see in the universe, exist at the outer most region of this massive blackhole. Any galaxy that has a like polarity blackhole at its center, will be pushed away from the primordial blackhole, as a mono-magnet of like polarity will push away a field of similar polarity. Thus, the universe seems to be expanding, but in truth, is being consumed by this massive blackhole in the center of the universe. Light bends around massive gravitational sources, thus, it is impossible to see this massive blackhole, but the effects of this super object can be felt and observed, by the actions of galaxies, as they orbit around this super-massive event.
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When someone has read your text but doesn’t respond
I turn my read receipts off so no one can cause me of blackholing them.
A blackhole that came from another one, (ie. clone blackhole).
'A mother blackhole cloned into two baby blackholes-one of which was a spawn blackhole and the other was the original one.'
Excessive genius so dense it turned to a black hole
How smart is that guy from Harvard?
He is the blackhole of genius!
When you hang out with Brazilians too much and get stuck being with them until they out party you and you end in the fetus position on their couch. That within itself is not a Brazilian blackhole, but the next day when it’s time to leave, you can’t cause they’ve trapped you in a never-ending bender. It is at this moment you have entered and been subsequently trapped in a Brazilian blackhole.
Jacob: Hey Victor, I think I’m going to go home now, but last night was crazy!
Victor: Sounds good, but let’s get some food first
*They go to get food*
Victor: Hey let’s check out the bar even though it’s Sunday and 2 pm
Jacob: You're trying to put me in a Brazilian blackhole now aren’t you?
Victor: No man, I wouldn’t do that to you. After all, I have shit to do and can’t party
*Shortly after, Jacob’s sobriety has been compromised and he has entered a Brazilian blackhole yet again*
I am Jacob and this is happening to me right now. Help.