Retaliation. Counter. Ie, getting your lick back.
You hit him with a low blow. He’s gonna blow back.
When you fart and the air from your fart goes up your asscrack and blows slightly on your back, giving an orgasmic experience.
Hey, y’all ever had the blow back fart?
When you blow a boof up your partner, and they blow it back into the orfice of choice.
Hey babe, ready for a blow back ?
When your blowing drugs through a straw into a girls ass and drugs blow back in your mouth when u stop blowing.. to avoid this use a twisty straw to blow coke and molly into a girls ass.
Becky! Damn u gotta relax when I blow, I just got mad blow back in my mouth. It tastes awful
When a man is fucking a woman doggie style and instead of the man making all the back and forth motion when penetrating, the women blows back , and uses her hips to to bounce her ass back and forth on his dick, so she’s working that dick.
Guy: bro I was fucking this big booty white girl named Melissa last night doggie style and she was throwing it back I almost fell over.
Homie: damn she got that blow back!
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