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Blue collar man

A man whom works in the construction field, works 7days a week typically out of town hardly ever has time to text back. True bad ass. All the girls want a blue collar man until they find out the above truth.

“Has your boyfriend texted back about the fair?”
“No he probably won’t for a while, most likely he won’t be home for the fair either he’s a blue collar man.”

by Welder02 September 24, 2021

8👍 2👎

Blue Collar Champagne


Tonight we're gonna celebrate our team winning the championship with some bona fide Blue Collar Champagne!

by Mikey N. November 20, 2011

light blue collar

People who are college educated yet have technical skills from a tech college that compliments their educational spectrum that creates a perfect rounded employable individual that is highly needed in today's society.

John, is an great example of the light blue collar workers that this company needs.

by Fyr75 February 9, 2019

blue collar aristocracy

Being born into an established and respected blue collar family. It maybe associated with a since of entitlement and a family history in a specific industry.

The Crowley family is part of a blue collar aristocracy of the local roofing industry.

by jazz1414 January 21, 2014

blue collar comedy

The most annoying type of comedy, ever. Spawned the hellishly annoying phrase "Git 'er done!"

People who enjoy blue collar comedy are typically rednecks who don't realize they are being paid to be made fun of.

by Geegeeaich June 9, 2005

96👍 95👎

Blue Collar Comedy

Consisting of the Blue Collar Tour and Blue Collar TV, the Blue Collar Comedy is highly entertaining comedy created by a group of brilliant comedians.

The Blue Collar Comedy Tour 1, 2 and 3 are the most precious, with comedians Jeff Foxworthy, Bill Engvall, Larry the Cable Guy and Ron White.

Blue Collar 4: The Next Generation is hosted by Bill Engvall, but the 4 younger comedians hardly got the crowd going.

Blue Collar TV was filmed after the Comedy Tour and has only 3 of the top comedians, though Ron White does appear in 2 or 3 episodes. Ron decided not to participate because, and I quote, "he had a lot of quit in him".

Featured Comedians in the Blue Collar Comedy Tour.

Jeff Foxworhy: "If you think loading the dishwasher means getting your wife drunk, you might be a redneck."

Bill Engvall: "A trucker got his rig caught under a low overpass and a cop comes along. 'You get your rig stuck?' 'Nope,' says the trucker. 'I was delivering this overpass and ran out of gas. Here's your sign."

Larry the Cable Guy: "Git-R-Done!"

Ron White: "They call me Tatersalad."

by BlueCollarFan23 May 26, 2009

47👍 42👎

Blue Collar Runner

A person who runs, typically wearing a fancy blue shirt and a tie

Luke Wilson is really not a blue collar runner.

by tommy dubs January 13, 2009

6👍 3👎