Is a clown in a children’s show, this is also used as an insult by low IQ internet Trolls that are usually abused by their Fathers.
Me: what’s 2+2 ?
Him: 39, Bumba. My butt hurts I wish my dad would leave me alone
At the beginning of time, there was only darkness and water, and Bumba, the creator, the first ancestor, was alone.
Thank Bumba.
A little bit off, a little bit suss, a little bit wrong, definitely a con.
I just got fucked in the ass and my credit card was stolen. Must have been bumba'd. He's such a bumba. That bumba slipped me something.
Bumba is the guy that always has spiky hair and massssiiiivvveee balls
Anal sex with a black woman who has a large butt that is so good, you revert to caveman origins as your release your cum inside.
Person A: "Where were you last night? We were waiting for you to bring the beer."
Person B: "Man, last night I Unga Bunga in that Humunga Bumba so hard, you couldn't even imagine."