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Bumpy Rectum

A rectum that is bumpy, due to excessive lovin'

Lucas loves Megan May's bumpy rectum.

by brinyrash1 February 14, 2009

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bumpy tunnel

A very badly infected vagina

Ahh that girl had mad bumpy tunnel

by stevenwaters September 19, 2007

Rumpy bumpy

Rumpy bumpy is a euphemism for sexual intercouse.

"Me and your grandma iz gonna meet up tunight for a bit of rumpy bumpy.

by Herbert Wumpermire May 7, 2008

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Bumpy Rhino

The bumpy Rhino is a white dildo that has bumps on it for added pleasure.

Holly loves using her bumpy rhino at night.

by Billy digman September 16, 2011

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a word to describe being nervous

I feel really bumpy for the test.

by CannibalEater November 26, 2011

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Bumpy Cakes

A cute fat girl

Bro check out that fat chick, she's got a cute face tho, she's definitely a bumpy cakes

by Madrox614 January 27, 2019

bumpy dick

Slang term for herpes or any other STD (STI) that causes bumps to form on male genitalia.

We told Steve not to mess with Kim, but he didn't listen and now he has bumpy dick.

by Management May 2, 2007

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