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motor butting

the act of motor boating but using a woman's ass cheeks in place of a woman's breasts

Bob really is an ass guy, so he decided on motor butting Nancy

by phildothegreat October 18, 2013

20πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž


The act of inserting an object in one’s anus for a period of time and having another person place the same object in their anus.

Man: Yo dude I’ll give you $10 to shove this dollar bill up your butt. It was up mine too.

Guy: No way! That’s cross-butting!

by Tory Nash November 1, 2018


The act of hugging someone from behind while having a huge boner.

I came up behind a girl and accidentally started dick-butting her.

by Dickson Butters November 17, 2013

9πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Raw butting

When there’s nothing between your butt and a toilet seat.

I have bumps all over my butt, from raw butting public toilets.

by Devonte green April 26, 2019

but me no buts

Don't argue with me. The first 'but' is a verb while the last one is a noun. I have never seen 'but' used as a verb except in this construction.

There are ifs and buts over what I have just said, but but me no buts.

by uttam maharjan February 9, 2010

44πŸ‘ 16πŸ‘Ž

Camel Butting

When a large woman's lycra pants are so tight that they create a camel's toe, that is so huge it bangs between their legs.

Look out camel butting bird about!

by Crazy_Horse January 13, 2009

11πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

Little Buts

Noun~A very tiny penis
also abr. 'LB'

eg Keir over there has little buts

by Esha Foos June 25, 2007

19πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž