Cess is another word for weed or the devil's lettuce. When you get cessed-ed it basically means you are getting high.
"Yo my nigga I just got cessed-ed."-Jay
"Nigga pass that weed."-Tae
Doing something repeatedly that you really do suck at, but not giving up on it.
I've had no "suck-cess" at trying to make a lobster fly
It's anyone in LIFE who can FUCK HARDER but still get any kind of SUCCESS ASS BACKWARDS.
Look ANAL ALAN JEWISH HOMOSEXUAL PEDOPHILE you give incredible ASSHOLE RIM JOBS BUTT you can't turn around the rest of what you need to do as CESS-SUC you are , but SUC-CESS always viewing things ASS BACKWARDS well evades you.
That CESS-SUC you are having trouble with is a true expert at being AN ASSHOLE and you can never dodge it as you are stuck with that OWNING VIEW forever as in the TALE TAIL OF PEDOPHILELAND.
Where sewage in the metaphorical and literal sense of the word goes to meet.
Lets Cess (Pool) at Leonie tomorrow!
An adjective for a shitty situation or a sketchy place; something or somewhere that's gone downhill.
"Man, that bar down the street used to be a pretty chill spot but now that all the hipsters invaded it's gone totally cess."
Will not have a boyfriend since her last breakup with her long last boyfriend.
Sometimes can be move as autistic and naught in some social media outlets. Cess can be your typical friend that is good in academee.
When you think all stickmen are the same
Guy 1: hey these two stickmen look the same
Guy 2: no there not, you're just stick-cess