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Male, super super sweet. amazing friend. could be friends with anyone. really popular and attractive lol. bright, charming, cheerful, dazzling, confident, athletic, funny and fine. intelligent, wise, wonderful and straight up perfect.

I love chad

by sexy swaggaaaaa. October 20, 2013

710πŸ‘ 862πŸ‘Ž


Hot head, but has a big heart. Family means everything. Curses a lot.

Your lucky if you have a Chad .

by lovely grace. December 21, 2016

640πŸ‘ 804πŸ‘Ž


you may think by his strong personality and inappropriate jokes that he’s careless about how he treats people. but once you get to know him he’s sweet, goofy, caring, and a fun person to talk to. he’s handsome even if he doesn’t think so himself and he loves him family which makes him more attractive than he already is. and when he sometimes says stupid jokes outta the blue it will make u laugh and smile. he’s a great friend or more than friends one day.

hes just like that because he’s a chad !!

by faxualyell June 6, 2019

652πŸ‘ 825πŸ‘Ž


A fucking dumbass.

person 1:chads such a fucking dumbass.
person 2: I know what a moron fucking dumb bitch.

by CHADSADUMBASS October 27, 2020

11πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž


chad is the best person on earth. he is the best friend to a amazing boyfriend. he will do anything to cheer you up. he may be short but who cares. people maybe be like your dating a guy named chad, wow, well who gives a fuck. i love a guy name chad and i have been the happiest lately. he has blue eyes and prefers his hair up. he is caring,sweet,kind,fine, and i could go on and on. you are lucky if you know a chad:)

person 1: your dating chad
person 2:yessssss
person 1:i wish i was

by ogc:) October 21, 2019

642πŸ‘ 835πŸ‘Ž


sweetest boy on the planet, ridiculously hot, sexalicious, charming with the ladies. this boys got it all. xoxoxoxooxxoxoxoox <3

chad is oh so sexy

by scandal1234555574 June 3, 2011

727πŸ‘ 967πŸ‘Ž


an eye catcher to many floridian girls. his caramel colored exterior and glowing smile instantly make girls drool. not only is he easy on the eyes, but insanely muscular. Sadly Chad isnt the brightest boy, but his adorable charm makes up for his stupidity!

girl: hey this cute boy snapchatted me
friend: oh he looks like a chad
girl: you're so right!

*boy walks into restaurant*
girl: wow that boy is smooth
*boy walks up to girl*
boy: hi my name is chad

by chad girlfriend March 24, 2013

627πŸ‘ 837πŸ‘Ž